I would agree the borg should fear the drones going to university, nothing compares to a university education in terms of developing critical faculties and analytical reasoning. However, although I did go to university and went all the way with my education, I had decided by the age of 14 that this was all bogus. In high school I read Freud and Nietzsche and that completely liberated my mind, long before I ever had my first university lecture. Similarly, I know many people that questioned the dogma and escaped never having gone to university while several dubs that did go to university (including relatives) certainly were able to maintain their "faith" (i.e. brainwashing). The point is, I dont think the borg fears the psychological effects of university education so much as the economic impact of having their youngest, most energetic publishers devoted to school instead of peddling the magazines (by the way, is this honestly still the major source of revenue for the WTS?) Regardless, in many ways, I think the people that are going to eventually escape KNOW they are going to get out at a very early age.....I honestly think that religiosity and the likelihood of remaining a loyal drone is an in-born trait, possible with a genetic component and a natural, in-born tendency towards magical thinking and superstition. Think I will do a med-line search on this!