I believe if they can disfelowship you ..... definitely they would stone any apostat if they law would allow them to do so, just like some extremist in the middle east would do.
by greendawn 38 Replies latest watchtower medical
I believe if they can disfelowship you ..... definitely they would stone any apostat if they law would allow them to do so, just like some extremist in the middle east would do.
If we read the stories, like mine, that tell of all the heart break and sadness delivered to us by the wbts and its continued efforts to punish us, it is clear that they are doing all they can to TORTURE US right now.
If it were not for the secular laws of these nasty old countries we live in, we would be dead.
Do they not speak of the df'd as being dead to the faithful jw's.???
It is Satans supporters that keep them in check.
I am sorry that I do not agree with most of you here.
People in general are capable of doing so. THis is proven in history. One of the worst examples where normal people tortured others was of course WWII. But there are lots of examples.
But it depends the whole group the persons are in. And the time they are in etc. With the current teachings I do not think it would be possible. There is a lot of difefrence in active or passive bahaviour in this case. With there long teachings of pacifism etc, I would think they need a lot of changes before they would do something like that.
Consider that most JW's are just victims not villans. Also there have not lost all contact with the world and moral issues there.
yeah, and i can see them leaving me in a hot desert somewhere, with a bunch of cases of budlight, and dumping them on the ground and not leaving me a drip!
I wouldn't go down without a fight. If they are going to stone me, I'm at least going to throw the stones back at them.
After I was DFd I ran into my Presiding Overseer brother-in-law.
We passed each other going in and out of a store.
The look on his face was one of HATRED AND DESPISE! He kept his eyes on me and turned red with loathing and hateful thoughts.
I was shaken by what I witnessed.
No one has ever looked at me that way before!!
What had I done so bad???
I left his brother.....who wouldnt?
And I am supposed to return to the truth and ask for reinstatement from this guy????
That is not going to happen.
My whole family will not speak to me! They are following the elders and the WBTS in shunning me now for 4 years.
Believe it! If Jehovah told them to kill you .....they would and good riddance they'd say.
Isnt that what the paradise will be like? Some who dont conform will be put to death in paradise?
I'm glad I decided to go for my paradise now!!
Oh yes, and now I have "NO TRESPASSING!" signs posted all over the front of my property. Since I have lived here not one dub has visited. I just want to forget I ever was a witness! And I will too. Im not going to be posting here forever. Im gonna move on.
You know, in all my years as a JW and since, that's possibly the most disturbing thing I've ever seen them print.
Think about it - they twist every word, parable, and meaning of the Bible. How easy it would be for them to use the numerous examples of the Israelites to justify the execution of apostates if it were legal.
No time to make 'torture calls' - we all know if they could count time for torturing apostates, they would do it. They would probably eat dog doody if they could count time for it.....
I'd like to see them try to enter my house with the premise of doing any sort of harm. Anyone foolish enough to do so would end up with a severe case of lead poisoning.