"God" should be ashamed of his "witlesses"...
I would be...
JamesThomas is sounding better and better... and I'm so non-mystical.
u/d (of the give me something I can chew on class)
by upside/down 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"God" should be ashamed of his "witlesses"...
I would be...
JamesThomas is sounding better and better... and I'm so non-mystical.
u/d (of the give me something I can chew on class)
Here are some groups identified as cults on Steve Hassan's site.
Dont the scientologists come pretty close?
Like most faiths... they seem to look the other way when a member is bagging cash (and dropping them checks)...
If Tom Cruise were a Dub...his ass would be grass...
So there is a difference...
A Scientologist is a wolf is wolves clothing....Dubs are sheep in wolves clothing...the latter is FAR more dangerous.
u/d (of the not by the hair of my chinny chin chin class)
Thats the discipline of the borg.It is truly mind boggling how they control both major and minor descisions.
The above comment is very insightful. Initially I disagreed wih it, thinking the WTBTS doesn't control what I do. After reflection though I guess they do control my thought process even when they are not contoliing my choices in life. What I mean is that I push the limits of personal freedom of expression but stop short of freely saying things that would openly brand me as an apostate. Why? It is because the WTBTS has a large measure of control over me. Dull stuff but I thought I'd mention it.
Dull stuff
Actually quite stimulating and thought provoking "stuff"!
I like it...and so do all the new ones who find their way to JWD and see there is SOMEWHERE else to go....the WTS isn't the only game in town....
u/d (of the never demean your own observation class)
I hear that there are clubs in Amsterdam where even your breathing is controlled.
But at least those who frequent these places were not coerced into entering with tales of being happy in paradise with bears, cubs, sheep, wolves, chickens - OMG!! Maybe they were?
My Family does....
What you eat
What you weight
What you wear.
What Brand of clothing
Your hair
What you say
How you speak
What you drive
where you live
What type of place you live in
How much money you make
How much money you have
what job you have
How many kids you have
Names of your kids.
Your hobbies's
Music you listen too
If you go to all the meetings
Have to answer at least once for a meeting
How many hours in Service etc.......
I could go on ....that's my family. I lived in a 24/7 Cult. However, with everything you were never good enough you had to do better.
Could this be the "load" JC was talking about when he told the Pharisees that they bind the people up with heavy loads that they wouldn't so much as touch with their own finger?
Yoke light and kindly....my ass!
u/d (of the feels so much lighter now class)
UD - there is no doubt about the control. I do agree that many other cults, especially the smaller ones with a charismatic leader [ like Jim Jones, Koresh, that ilk ], do the same thing, sometimes to a destructive end.
But of the larger groups I am sure that JW's are in the top of the class for control - and they are far more insidious than some others.