Gays and the Bible.

by gumby 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LyinEyes

    I was just discussing this with my 10 year old son. He heard from friends that a person will burn in Hell if they are gay. He said it has to be true because the Bible says so. Long discussion, still working on all of that, but basically he doesnt feel tha being gay is a death sentence with God , we have many close gay friends that Chance adores. So in his little heart he loves and he just said that God must love them even more. Gumby is saying, how can some religions say that being gay is not a sin and others say it is? As I remember in my studies of the Bible as a JW,,,,,,,,being homosexual was a sin, no if's and's or but's. I talked to a gay friend who is Catholic and she said they don't embrace being gay, but they just don't talk about it, or ask questions. She is ok with that, but still it makes no sense to me . I remember the Catholics , my whole family on my dad's side,,,,,would use birth control even thou the church condemned it. I guess if you don't tell, or ask or confess sins , the church leaves things alone. Gessssh I wish the JW's would have been like that.

    Now for the record I don't believe in God,,,,I don't think,,,,lol, still working on that, and I sure don't trust the Bible as whole truth if any at all. I believe live and let live , that being homosexual is as natural and normal as being heterosexual . I don't think gay people DECIDE to be gay, they just are , as heterosexuals are born a certain way so are they. I grew up with two gay people a cousin and a great JW friend. Both were gay from a very, very early age, so I never quite even as a JW, understand why Jehovah would condemn someone for the way they born, if were made in God's image and all.

  • joelbear

    i was gay at birth

    you don't wanna know where i stuck the pacifier.

  • LyinEyes

    LOL @ Joel, I have never heard that before.....hugs to you Joel.

  • kgfreeperson

    Part of the difficulty is in your assumption that all Christian sects believe that the Bible is inerrant and consistent. Fundamentalists claim that, but UCC's (mostly) aren't fundamentalists. They also aren't (mostly) evangelicals. From the UCC web site:

    "It affirms the responsibility of the Church in each generation to make this faith its own in reality of worship, in honesty of thought and expression, and in purity of heart before God."

    I'm not a fan of any religion, but even I concede that some are better than others.

  • gumby
    Ranting about someone whom you don't seem to care too much about, anymore, aint scoring too many points with those of us who still care for Him.

    Maybe you and I.....since we don't care about the Organisation anymore, shouldn't rant about the witnesses here because many who lurk here still care for the Organisation

    Coming to believe the bible isn't the creators book for his children, but rather a book of men with holes all through it, is similar to realising the truth isn't the truth. We need to vent too and have a place to talk about it and explain why we feel the way we there ya bastard! Don't make me put an icepack on your nutsack again next time I catch you snoozin


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