Rationality could be found in Scriptures!

by abiather 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Caedes

    That is going to be one thin book!


    I'll just weed out out bits of the Koran, does that work? What about the Art of War? There's truth there as well. One could find something "rational" in any book.

    The key to weeding out which books are worthy of your time is their overall theme and effect on the reader. When books that contain tidbits of truth or actions that were "rational" for a given situation 2000 years ago, continue to cause more harm than good for humanity, it's time to stop reading them. At the very least, stop basing your life decisions exclusively around them and put them on the, " things that didn't work " shelf. 

    How could basing your life upon the exclusive words of any one author, who existed thousands of years ago, be rational? 


  • abiather

    Very nicely put!

  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Hence it is an interpolation of those who have no sense of RATIONALITY!
    (Now it follows: If this is interpolation, then its greater story of ransom sacrifice too falls into this category. It could be even this way--to give credential to ransom teaching, interpolators wanted some precedent, hence created story of Abraham)
    Story of Abraham’s obedience lacks rationality throughout. God delays the birth of a child, and then permits birth. If God then asks for sacrifice of that child, Abraham will not hesitate as he had experienced the gift of God. That too, when God himself asks, who will hesitate. In this sense also, there is no logic or rationality!

    Abiathar, what I see in you is a man so desperate to hold on to his irrational faith in an ancient book being the word of God, that rather than accept the clear evidence of its very human authorship he resorts to very creative and irrational gymnastic reasoning by separating the inconvenient evidence away from the book by calling it "interpolations". You are clearly in denial. You see the obvious folly in many bible accounts but you're not honest enough with yourself to accept and follow this evidence to its logical conclusion - that the bible is not the word of God. 

    Instead, you conveniently make up your own rules to fix the game in your favor. You are like a woman whose husband commits murder and out of sheer desperation in her unwillingness to accept that her husband did it she labels all the mountains of evidence against him as being planted or all lies. By your disingenuous reasoning, you essentially make your holy book unfalsifiable because any evidence in the text that demonstrates its fallible nature and very human origin is quickly labeled by your as an interpolation. Unfalsifiable claims are bogus claims! Your reasoning reveals that you are living in denial.

    What happens 2000 years from now when human enlightenment progresses further and the biblical claims that you now accept as moral is exposed as immoral? What are the likes of you gonna do then - label those bible accounts as interpolations also? You're just resorting to desperate tactics in bid to make your ancient book written by less enlightened men living in a harsh ancient culture look good in our more modern and more enlightened world.

  • Crazyguy

    What most people don't realize is there was more then one god the Hebrews worshiped. There is evidence that the god Jeremiah was referring to was in fact Marduk. Some of the writings of Genesis are referring to the gods Enki and Enlil. Others in Genesis and and other old testament scriptures are referring to gods such as El, Baal and even gods of Egypt.

    Then someone took all these different writings and through them together into one book and tried to make it about just one god. So what you get is a book full of contradictions among other things.  

  • Vidiot

    abiathar - "Rationality could be found in Scriptures!"

    I suppose it could.

    But then, they wouldn't be Scriptures.

  • abiather
    sland Man

    I call the spade spade!

    Bible is like a forest that contains wild animals and mild animals, wild flowers and mild flowers that emit fragrance.

    Interpolations do not destroy its value. Course of wisdom is to weed out!

    Why throw the baby with the bathing water?

    see this link also http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/105160001/bible-true-some-vital-matters

  • cofty
    There is no baby. 
  • Phizzy
    My Mum had Rational Book when I was young, or was that a Ration Book ?
  • Island Man
    Island Man
    "Interpolations do not destroy its value. Course of wisdom is to weed out!"

    And given that you're not the author of the bible and weren't around when it was written, what exactly would be your criteria for determining which passages are interpolations to be weeded out and which are genuine? You would be going off of your own subjective understanding and wisdom and moral sensibility. And if you're truly wise enough to make such a determination then aren't you wise enough so as to not even be in need of the bible? Think about it.

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