Are emails from JW's who know you've left cries for help?

by kwintestal 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Well, if you are not concerned about facing disfellowshipment, etc. then perhaps it would be good to reply to any JW who approaches you, and giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    State your position as you see fit, leave the door open to them to respond to you further from a sincere, human standpoint, and then wait to see if that's the basis on which he/she is approaching you or your immediate family members.

    If they come to you as a JW in an attempt to get you to "repent and return to the fold", then you can politely but firmly reiterate your position. But at that point, they will have played their hand, and you will know where they are coming from.

    The point is, it may well be that the person communicating with you may actually be "crying out for help", or wants to share his/her doubts with you. This is why it is best not to prejudge the situation.

    There are a lot of things going on in JW land these days, and I happen to think that a lot of JW's are becoming "closet doubters" about a lot of things. You never know, but I for one am standing at the ready for anyone who wants to reach out. Then I will wait for them to reveal their motivations.

    All the best with your decision.

    Rod P.

  • upside/down

    "Friendship" or the appearance of it....are merely the Dub "carrot" used to keep "nice" people in the bOrg...or to get them back!

    The only exception is a true free thinker that has one foot out... so it never hurts to "sow seeds" of doubt about the WTS and the TRUTH about "the truth".

    Good Luck....and it's never do the right thing.

    u/d (of the not "nice" anymore class)

  • Balsam

    Well I was a curious JW about why people left and if I got the opportunity to ask I did. Most the time though the ex-witness just told me to go to hell, so I never found out anything. The ex-witnesses were rude and attacked me as though I was all my fault. One day a disfellowshipped sister and I got to talk, she told me from her heart why she left. I understood and it opened the door for me to realize that maybe the truth wasn't really the truth after all. I think if witnesses ask, then you can tell them in a nice and friendly way why you left without attacking them because they are still witnesses.

    When I was disfellowshipped I wrote letters and mailed them out to my closest friend before it was announced. I don't know if it caused any of them to think or not as not one contacted me before the announcement.


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