IM buddies are all still witnoids - weird!

by tetrapod.sapien 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tetrapod.sapien

    it's a weird feeling. all of my instant messenger buddies are all my old witness friends. none of them have blocked me or deleted me from their contact lists since i DA'd myself. every time i go online, there they all are. online, and probably chatting with each other. i have not attempted any chats with any of them, and they have not tried with me either.

    but it's weird, as i am sure you all can appreciate, because it's like being in the same room with all of them. they're all talking among themselves, but all completely ignoring me.

    don't get me wrong. i knew it was going to be like this before i DA'd myself, so i'm not complaining. i'm just finding it really weird. almost funny. but more like tragically funny.

    my "best friend" of 15 years is online right now. we haven't spoken since early april when he called me to say "good bye".

    i don't want to block any of these fellow human beings, but i am surprised they have not yet. i wonder what jesus would do in their situation? i wonder what jesus' online name would be? i wonder if holy spirit and TCP/IP protocol are interfacable? LOL

    really though, it's weird. sometimes, when i am feeling goofy, i feel like bugging them. i don't really care if they block me. but then i am held in check, thanks to gumby, who would probably consider me an irritating bastard for bugging them. lol. i am afraid that one of these days i might just try out a goofy irritating bastard approach on my IM buddies. any suggestions of any type?


  • diamondblue1974

    Send em a link to JWD....we could all be friends together then...

  • RichieRich

    Do you use AIM or YIM? What's your handle?

    PM me... so we can discuss the intricacies (sp?) of the universe and whatnot!

  • GetBusyLiving

    Hey Tetra. For a while all my buddies didn't block me either.. until I started putting really cryptic messages in my online name. I did movies for a while (The Truman Show, The Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix, Logan's Run) then moved on to little quotes about friendship that are guilt inducing. Finally I typed "607 B.C.?".. that got me blocked by virtually everyone.

    Happy mind gaming!


  • RichieRich


  • Scully

    I thought the same thing about some of my JW family members, until it occurred to me that they had simply deleted my name from their buddy list. You'd still be able to see them, but you don't exist in their little world.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey richie,

    sorry, out getting lunch. i use MSN network, but i use this software that allows me to talk with anyone from any network. so, i'll PM you...



    607 B.C.?

    brilliant! LOL

  • tetrapod.sapien
    You'd still be able to see them, but you don't exist in their little world.

    LOL scully,

    should that be a new definition for JW hell?

  • kwintestal

    I use MSN messanger and blocked most JW friends that I had. I don't know why, other then I think they blocked me first, I didn't see them online for several months and they stopped returning phone calls and emails. Anyway, you can add me at ... [email protected] if you want to add me!


  • tetrapod.sapien

    hey! thanks kwin! you're aposta IM buddy #2 for me. LOL



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