I recycle because my garbage bill is cheaper if I do. Besides, it's the PC thing to do.
Penn and Teller did a Bullshit episode on recycling. It's an eye opener, that's for sure. Skyman really isn't too far off.
by jeanniebeanz 42 Replies latest jw friends
I recycle because my garbage bill is cheaper if I do. Besides, it's the PC thing to do.
Penn and Teller did a Bullshit episode on recycling. It's an eye opener, that's for sure. Skyman really isn't too far off.
I studied economics, skyman and I think you are basically right in that statement but in practice recycling does make economic sense, they are just another source of raw materials. However, if people didn't volunteer to sort out their garbage themselves it wouldn't make economic sense to recycle, if that were the case our natural resources would run out a little faster until we reach the point (which we will reach anyway)that the remaining resources would be so expensive that companies/states would put in place sophisticated recycling systems that would recycle much more efficiently than we do now (advantages of scale)...you could argue states should already make recycling mandatory but probably only the market will be able to force us to do it and do it right and effieciently...(and I do vote green/socialist/liberal)
Besides, it's the PC thing to do.
it certainly does not make a very big environmental impact as it stands now. but in order to make one, not only would everyone have to be doing it, but everyone would have to have more respect for the issue than found above in the quoted sentiment. it's not just that it's PC. it's about changing things. changing the way the government approaches the issue with industry. it's just as much about changing the way we think, as it is about making a small personal contribution to the environment.
if people only do it to save money, and because their neighbors frown upon them not doing it, then the issue will always be just that, an issue.
Try living in the middle of basically nowhere. There is no convenient way to dispose of waste as there is no municipal sanitary pickup. We compost kitchen waste, reuse glass, and take everything else to the recyling station that we cannot reuse. It is not particularly convenient. It definitely makes me consider my purchases when I have to find a way to dispose of packaging. I prefer glass over tin and by bulk when it is available.
I have no scientific/technical data to back my belief, but I do believe there is a shortage of places to dispose of garbage - no one wants a stinky garbage dump in their back yard.
I work at a newspaper, and it is a fact that the recycled paper that most newspapers are printed on actually use more energy and produce more bad byproducts being produced (many bad things go into making used paper white again) that it would be to use virgin paper. What about the trees, you ask? Paper is best made from young trees anyways, so a tree farm that where trees are cut down when the get to a certain age and new ones replanted would be extremely cost effective and environmentally sound.
So you know why we use recycled paper for our newspaper? Because the surrounding community are treehugging recycling people, and so we need to fit in. That doesn't mean it's the better way though.
I love you people. Show Time just run a story about this subject. Penn and Teller are the narrators Called Bullshit. On the show it went through all the Bull Shit about recycling here the link to their web site Showtime - Penn & Teller: Bullshit! - Topics
Here's the truth: recycling is garbage. The recycling industry creates pollution,
has to be subsidized by the government because it's cost ineffective, ...
www.sho.com/site/ptbs/topics.do?topic=r - 33k - Cached - Similar pages r
if people only do it to save money, and because their neighbors frown upon them not doing it, then the issue will always be just that, an issue.
Nope, I wish it had an impact and I DO recycle even if it's for a reason YOU disapprove of. I've seen and read the truth about it and seriously think it's shyte. It makes people feel better. That's it. The impact is negligible and the waste of money and time is tremendous.
I think getting the manufacturers to market their products in less packaging is far more efficient. I will and do go for less packaging over the ridiculous huge boxes of little products. Remember when every deodorant was inside a box? Remember the horrible huge plastic contraptions that CD's were trapped in? We're getting there...
Now if we can just stop all the stupid catalogs and junk mail that fill up the recycling bins.
Ta Princess, saved me writing that comment
Now if we can just stop all the stupid catalogs and junk mail that fill up the recycling bins.
If only we could. I weighed it once, the amount of junk mail that I get weekly is a little under 3 pounds. Anyone up for some math to figure out how many pounds that would be annualy if every mailbox holder in America got that much each week and then equate that to trees?
Good story, Jeannie! The JW really hammers that Paradise earth bs into people. lol .. we have always recycled in my family, it goes back to the farm and the depression, when folks reused a lot of things. It's much easier to be wasteful nowadays. Keep up the good work.