It's about time somebody exposed this so called "theory of Gravity"
by Gollum 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
LOL Gollum! that's awesome...he he he...
I'd be the first to honestly say that "theories" held as "belief" is no better than faith. I agree that it should be questioned and viewed with a certain flexibility.
Having said that: This story or whatever it is called is pure trash, sophistry of the sort that it accuses others of, and not intelectually honest.
I would say first that gravity is RELATIVE. Yes, the sun is frickin huge, but it is also hella far away. I would say that the tides bulge out due to the behaviors of fluids. To say that it "was given to us..." blah blah is silly. How was it given? How is the "gift" delivered? God, if she exists, is more inteligent than that, and I would hope, expects us to be too.
Big Dog
I do appreciate the point I think the article is trying to make, many worship at the altar of science just as blindly as those they deride as idiots and fools that do at the altar of religion. I sometimes get tired of the hard science people that pontificate about different topics with about the same fervor that they probably did when they were dubs. Unless I am mistaken scientists have revised their precious theories about as often as the GB has changed dogma over the years, and there is no dearth of scientists sniping at each other about crackpot theories etc.
I do appreciate the point I think the article is trying to make, many worship at the altar of science just as blindly as those they deride as idiots and fools that do at the altar of religion. I sometimes get tired of the hard science people that pontificate about different topics with about the same fervor that they probably did when they were dubs. Unless I am mistaken scientists have revised their precious theories about as often as the GB has changed dogma over the years, and there is no dearth of scientists sniping at each other about crackpot theories etc.
I completely agree. I like what Galileo said in the inquisition, I don't know it in Latin, but it means "And yet, it still moves" or similiar. He was talking about the earth moving and NOT being the center of the solar system, which the church at the time was adamant to keep.
The only thing missing from the article is ad-nauseum of quotes from scientists who believe the "Theory of Gravity" taken out of context to "prove" that there are huge gaps, errors, etc. in the Theory that they hold as fact.
Ummm, just checking in. Everybody does know this is satire, right?
This reads almost identically to the arguments made in Kansas and (I think it was Georgia) where they put the stickers on the biology books.
Ummm, just checking in. Everybody does know this is satire, right?
Im not quite sure that they do....
Anyway, it would be a good excercise to go through and identify the particular fallacies, who can count the most?
Big Dog, darkuncle,
I think you may need to give that article another read. Your posts make it pretty clear that you didn't get it.
Great satire. Long live the pursuit of knowledge!
the article is not about people worshiping at the altar of science. it's satire of how creationists treat the theory of evolution. jeepers people.
i guess some background research would be in order:
- science is not a religion (willing to debate this point ad infinitum with anyone, and have already on several occasions).
- science is self-correcting, unlike religion. it's okay to be a scientist, and be wrong.
- creationists do not understand, or refuse to understand what a scientist means when they use the word: "theory".
- the article is tounge-in-cheek as per the 'mart creationists in kansas and ohio.
- just because science is self correcting, does not mean that all scientific theories will someday be overthrown. try working with what we have now, instead of working against it. we might actually go some place!