WT Comments You Won't Hear

by blondie 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • iggy_the_fish

    now Blondie, you above all people should know the rule suggestion which must be obeyed under threat of death which is a conscience matter that there are no holidays from the truth. Naughty blondie.

    I do hope you're not expecting the congregation to think for itself?


  • potleg

    Blondie, just when I was begining to get to know you through your most excellent reviews you're going to take a breeak...come back soon

  • willyloman

    Your decison got me to thinking about one of the things that used to drive me crazy as a dub: They never took a freakin' break!

    I often wondered why the "Theocratic Ministry" school couldn't take the summer off, along with something corresponding to holiday or semester breaks, like "real" schools do. I always thought there should be a "summer schedule" with meetings held only on Sunday for two or three months, so folks would have time for vacations, traveling to the district convention, visiting family, etc. Of course, I now realize why that would be an impossiblility for a high control group.

    It irritated me when a meeting was held on a "holiday," like July 4, Thanksgiving or Christmas, and half or more of the congo was missing. Those in attendance were left to feel smug and superior, or like fools. It was just one of the many, many things that opened my eyes to the true nature of this cult.

  • potleg

    Good point Willyloman...try being in bethel...no holidays for nothin' no memorial or labor day off ...for tou brits..no bank hols, no boxing day ha ha NOTHING it sucked, I always thought it was dumb when they wanted you to go in service on Christmas Day aaarrggh

  • Scully


    No one person will be able to duplicate what you've accomplished with your Comments You Won't Hear series. It will truly be a group effort to even come close. I'm sure it must get frustrating sometimes putting all that effort into unravelling the doublespeak and the buzz words week after week, and sometimes not having a lot of comments on the thread, while at the same time the "fun" threads go like wild fire.

    I hope you know that your work is greatly appreciated. Sometimes you've just covered the WT Study so well that there's hardly anything left to be said after you've decimated it.

    Enjoy your break, however long it may be. You certainly deserve it.

    Love, Scully

  • rebel8

    LOL, I thought this thread was going to be about the London disaster. "WT Comments You Won't Hear About the London Disaster":

    "This is not a sign of the times."

    "We're donating a zillion dollars to help the victims, no matter what religion they are."

    "This event is a sign we need to stop the preaching work."

  • Blueblades

    Thank you for all that you have done.Take as much time as you need, you are deserving.


  • Pistoff

    Thanks for your hard work Blondie..........a labor of love for us here, for sure! P

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