i never had a chance to welcome you to the board yet wing, welcome. but i have been worked up by your post, so here it goes...
"Vengence is mine, sayith the Lord." Remember, these people are going to get what they deserve, be it from our swift military actions, or from God some day.
this makes you sound like george freaking dubya bush.
have you considered the possibility that bad people get away with their shit and never have to pay for it? have you considered that perhaps we are all alone in this universe and that no daddy in the sky is going to come rescue us from killing each other into extinction because we're ALL a bunch of stupid-heads? have you considered the possibility that quoting scripture at islamic fundamentalists is like them quoting the bloody koran back at you? have you considered the possibility that if there was a God, he would not only take care of the Londoners, but also the Americans on 9/11, AND the iraqis that are getting blown apart by american machine guns, AND would be taking care of the people in Darfur being tortured?
apparently, true believers seem to think that god will make an accounting for all the tragedies taking place in africa and tibet that we don't seem to care about. well i have something to say to you true believers:
go ahead and keep waiting on your book keeping god, as he tallies up the injustices. i would prefer a god that actually does something about "his" f*cked up world.
two true beleivers duking it out for their pathetic warlord gods. great.