hey well spotted sparkplug
i didnt notice the mirror for ages
by tijkmo 32 Replies latest jw friends
hey well spotted sparkplug
i didnt notice the mirror for ages
yes I do like it
Yeah, I like the sketch. I too enjoy drawing. It really comes and goes for me in waves. I'll draw for a week or two pretty heavily and then I wont touch a sketch pad for years, literally. It's been a while since I've felt the inspiration.
My avatar is a photo of what I call my "Tiki Head". I bought him to make a necklace with. I thought he looke evil and I had to have him. He never made it into jewlry thought. He got as far as hanging from the rear view of my car.
It is OK - not as good as mine though
I like it. But then again, in the smaller version (ie. your avatar at the side of your post's) the woman on the right looks just like me! Not kidding. That woman's eyes and bone structure is me to a T!
Maybe you and Tij were separated at birth?
6 degrees of separation
dazed and confused = bewildered = song = written by tijkmo
wow did it in 4...does this mean a greater chance of being separated at birth or lesser
Dazed & Confused = The Irony Just Knocks Me Out
I made it just two - you must be twins!!!
did you see prophecors new avatar...btw
I did, and thought it well cool. She has a real gift!
has she not done you yet lt
Sadly, no Contrary to public perception, I haven't purveyed my wares all over the board