Comments You Will Not hear at the 7-10-05 WT Study

by blondie 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-10-05 WT Study (June 1, 2005 issue)


    "Let your loving-kindness and your trueness themselves constantly safeguard

    me." -PSALM 40:11.


    I will not be going in depth but I have underlined some phrases and words to consider.

    In view of the recent van accident in NM where JWs died, how were they constantly safeguarded? What does this WT say about JWs expecting physical protection?

    Is David’s future assured? Isn’t he only penciled in the book of remembrance? Doesn’t the WTS say that no one will be inked in until the end of the Millennial reign and they pass the final test?

    What does the WTS mean by the "better resurrection"? Did they always teach that?

    Where is Jesus in this article? Notice how his part in the ransom is marginalized.

    Watch for "soon" and the myriad of definitions for JWs and that only JWs are truly Christians.

    Jehovah also provides ongoing guidance through his Word, his organization, and his holy spirit.
    Under the direction of "the faithful and discreet slave,"

    KING DAVID of ancient Israel "earnestly hoped in Jehovah" and was moved to

    say that Jehovah "inclined his ear to [him] and heard [his] cry for help."

    (Psalm 40:1) He repeatedly saw firsthand how Jehovah safeguarded those who

    loved Him. David, therefore, could ask to be constantly safeguarded


    Jehovah. (Psalm 40:11) Counted among the faithful men and women to whom "a better resurrection" is promised, David is presently secure in Jehovah's

    memory as one who will receive that reward. (Hebrews 11:32-35) His future is

    thus assured

    in the best possible way. His name is inscribed in Jehovah's

    "book of remembrance

    ."-Malachi 3:16.

    2 Although the faithful ones mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 lived before

    the earthly sojourn of Jesus Christ

    , they nevertheless lived in harmony with

    what Jesus taught when he said: "He that is fond of his soul destroys it,

    but he that hates his soul in this world will safeguard it for everlasting

    life." (John 12:25) Thus, being safeguarded by Jehovah clearly does not mean

    immunity from suffering or persecution. It does mean that one is protected

    in a spiritual way

    so as to be able to maintain a fine standing before God.

    3 Jesus himself was the object of cruel persecution and reproach, and his

    enemies finally succeeded in putting him to a most disgraceful and painful

    death. Yet, this is no contradiction of God's promise to safeguard the

    Messiah. (Isaiah 42:1-6) Jesus' resurrection on the third day after his

    ignominious death proves that Jehovah heard his cry for help—just as Jehovah

    had heard David's. In response, Jehovah gave Jesus the strength to maintain

    integrity. (Matthew 26:39) Thus safeguarded, Jesus gained immortality in the

    heavens, and millions of humans who have exercised faith in the ransom have

    come in line for everlasting life. (carrot)

    Blurb on page 9: How did Jehovah safeguard David and Jesus?

    4 We can be confident that Jehovah is just as willing and able to safeguard

    his servants now as he was in the days of David and of Jesus. (James 1:17)

    The relatively few remaining anointed brothers of Jesus still on earth can

    rely on Jehovah's promise: "An incorruptible and undefiled and unfading

    inheritance . . . is reserved in the heavens for you, who are being

    safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be

    revealed in the last period of time." (1 Peter 1: 4, 5) The "other sheep,"

    who have an earthly hope, can likewise put their trust in God and his

    promise through the psalmist: "O love Jehovah, all you loyal ones of his.

    The faithful ones Jehovah is safeguarding."-John 10:16; Psalm 31:23.

    Safeguarded Spiritually

    5 In modern times, Jehovah has made provisions for safeguarding his people

    in a spiritual way. While not shielding them from persecution or from

    difficulties and tragedies common to life, he has loyally given them the

    help and incentive needed to safeguard their intimate relationship with him.

    The foundation upon which they have built this relationship is their faith

    in God's loving ransom provision (where is Jesus?). Some of these faithful Christians

    (only JWs) have been anointed by God's spirit to become joint rulers with Christ in heaven.

    They have been declared righteous as spiritual sons of God, and to them these words apply:

    "He delivered us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom

    of the Son of his love, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins,"-Colossians


    6 Millions of other faithful Christians (only JWs) are assured that they too can

    benefit from God's provision of the ransom. We read: "The Son of man came,

    not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his soul a ransom in

    exchange for many." (Mark 10:45) Those Christians look forward to enjoying

    in due time "the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Romans 8:21)

    Meanwhile, they treasure their personal friendship with God and sincerely

    strive to strengthen that relationship.

    7 One way in which Jehovah safeguard the spiritual welfare of his people is

    by providing a program of progressive training. This allows them to come to

    an ever more accurate knowledge of truth. Jehovah also provides ongoing

    guidance through his Word, his organization, and his holy spirit. Under the

    direction of "the faithful and discreet slave," God's people around the

    world are like an international family. The slave class looks after the

    spiritual needs and when necessary even the physical needs of the family of

    Jehovah's servants—irrespective of their national origin or social

    standing.—Matthew 24:45.

    8 As Jehovah did not physically shield Jesus from the onslaughts of his

    enemies, He does not shield Christians that way today. But this is no

    indication of God's displeasure. Far from it! Rather, it underscores his

    confidence that they will uphold his side of the great universal issue. (Job

    1:8-12; Proverbs 27:11) Jehovah will never forsake those loyal to him, "for

    Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. To time

    indefinite they will certainly be guarded." -Psalm 37:28.

    Blurb on page 11: In what ways are Cod's people safeguarded spiritually


    Safeguarded by Loving-Kindness and Trueness

    9 In his prayer recorded in Psalm 40, David asked to be safeguarded by

    Jehovah's loving-kindness and trueness. Jehovah's trueness and his love for

    righteousness require that he clearly set out what his standards are. Those

    who live by these standards are to a great degree safeguarded from the

    distresses, fears, and problems experienced by those who ignore them. For

    example, we can protect ourselves and our loved ones from many heartbreaking

    problems if we avoid drug and alcohol abuse, sexual promiscuity, and a

    violent life-style. And even those who wander from Jehovah's way of

    trueness—as did David at times—have the assurance that God is still "a place

    of concealment" for repentant wrongdoers. Such can joyfully cry out: "You

    will safeguard me from distress itself." (Psalm 32:7) What an expression of

    God's loving-kindness!

    10 Another example of divine loving-kindness is that God warns his servants

    to remain separate from the wicked world, which he will soon destroy. We

    read: "Do not be loving either the world or the things in the world. If

    anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; because

    everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes

    and the showy display of one's means of life—does not originate with the

    Father, but originates with the world." By giving heed to this warning and

    acting accordingly, we can literally safeguard our life for all eternity,

    for the text continues: "Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is

    its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever."—! John


    Blurb on page 12: Although we are proud to be serving Jehovah, we must

    always remain humble

    Safeguarded by Thinking Ability, Discernment, and Wisdom

    11 To those hoping to gain God's approval, David's son Solomon was inspired

    to write: "Thinking ability itself will keep guard over you, discernment

    itself will safeguard you." He also urged: "Acquire wisdom ... Do not leave

    it, and it will keep you. Love it, and it will safeguard you."—Proverbs

    2:11; 4:5, 6.

    12 We exercise thinking ability if we meditate on what we learn from God's

    Word. Doing so enables us to develop greater discernment so that we can set

    proper priorities. This is vital, since most of us know—possibly through

    personal experience—that problems arise when people either purposely or

    unintentionally set unwise priorities. Satan's world puts before us as goals

    material riches, prominence, and power, while Jehovah stresses the more

    important spiritual values. A failure to give the latter priority over the

    former can cause families to disintegrate, friendships to collapse, and

    spiritual goals to fade. As a result, a person can be left with nothing more

    than the sad reality indicated by Jesus' words: "Of what benefit is it for a

    man to gain the whole world and to forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36) Wisdom

    dictates that we heed Jesus' counsel: "Keep on, then, seeking first the

    kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to

    you."-Matthew 6:33.

    The Danger of Becoming Self-Centered

    13 Humans are by nature interested it themselves. When personal desires and

    interests become paramount in life, however trouble results. Therefore, to

    safeguard our friendship with him, Jehovah instructs us t avoid being

    self-centered. This term mean being "concerned solely with one's own desires,

    needs, or interests." Does that not accurately describe many people

    today? Significantly, the Bible foretells that "in the last days" of Satan's

    wicked system, "men will be lovers of themselves," or will become self-centered.-2 Timothy 3:1, 2.

    14 Christians appreciate the wisdom of observing the Bible command to take

    an interest in others, loving them as one loves oneself. (Luke 10:27;

    Philippians 2:4) People in general may view this as impractical, yet it is

    vital if we are to enjoy successful marriages, happy family relationships,

    and satisfying friendships. Thus, a true servant of Jehovah must never allow

    the natural interest in self to dominate his life to the exclusion of more

    important interests. First and foremost, this means the interests of

    Jehovah, the God he worships.

    15 A self-centered attitude can lead to one's being self-righteous, which,

    in turn, can cause a person to become narrow-minded, presumptuous. The Bible

    aptly says: "You are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are, if you judge; for

    in the thing in which you judge another, you condemn yourself, inasmuch as

    you that judge practice the same things." (Romans 2:1; 14:4,10) The

    religious leaders in Jesus' day became so convinced of their own

    righteousness that they felt qualified to censure Jesus and his followers.

    By so doing, they set themselves up as judges. Being blind to their own

    shortcomings, they actually brought condemnation upon themselves.

    16 Judas, the follower of Jesus who betrayed him, allowed himself to become

    a person judging others. On the occasion at Bethany when Mary, Lazarus'

    sister, anointed Jesus with perfumed oil, Judas strongly objected. He voiced

    his indignation by arguing: "Why was it this perfumed oil was not sold for

    three hundred denarii and given to the poor people?" But the report

    continues in explanation: "He said this, though, not because he was

    concerned about the poor, but because he was a thief and had the money box

    and used to carry off the monies put in it." (John 12:1-6) Let us never

    become like Judas or the religious leaders, who were quick to judge others,

    only to condemn themselves.

    17 Regrettably, some early Christians, while they were not thieves like

    Judas, did fall victim to pride, becoming self-assuming. Of them, James

    wrote: "You take pride in your self-assuming brags." Then he added: "All

    such taking of pride is wicked." (James 4:16) Boasting about what we have

    done or about our privileges in Jehovah's service is self-defeating.

    (Proverbs 14:16) We recall what happened to the apostle Peter, who in a

    moment of excessive self-confidence boasted: "Although all the others are

    stumbled in connection with you, never will I be stumbled! ... Even if I

    should have to die with you, I will by no means disown you." In reality, we

    have nothing to boast about in ourselves. Everything we enjoy is only

    because of Jehovah's loving-kindness. Remembering this will keep us from

    being self-assuming.—Matthew 26:33-35, 69-75.

    18 "Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling," we are

    told. Why? Jehovah answers: "Self-exaltation and pride ... I have hated."

    (Proverbs 8:13; 16:18) No wonder Jehovah was incensed at "the insolence of

    the heart of the king of Assyria and for the self-importance of his

    loftiness of eyes"! (Isaiah 10:12) Jehovah called him to account. Soon all

    of Satan's world, together with its proud, self-important leaders, visible

    and invisible, will also be called to account. May we never mirror the

    self-willed attitude of Jehovah's adversaries!

    19 True Christians have every reason to be proud of being servants of

    Jehovah. (Jeremiah 9:24) At the same time, they have every reason to remain

    humble. Why? Because "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

    (Romans 3:23) So to safeguard our position as Jehovah's servants, we must

    have the attitude of the apostle Paul, who said that "Christ Jesus came into

    the world to save sinners," and then he added: "Of these I am foremost."—!

    Timothy 1:15.

    20 Since Jehovah's people gladly push self into the background in order to

    place divine interests in the foreground, we can be assured that Jehovah

    will continue to safeguard them spiritually. We can also be assured that

    when the great tribulation strikes, Jehovah will safeguard his people not

    only spiritually but also physically. (only as a group, individuals can still die although be resurrected.) Upon entering into God's new world,

    they will be able to cry out: "Look! This is our God. We have hoped in him,

    and he will save us. This is Jehovah. We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful

    and rejoice in the salvation by him."—Isaiah 25:9.

    Do You Recall?

    How were King David and Jesus Christ safeguarded?

    How are Jehovah's people today safeguarded?

    Why should we avoid overemphasizing self?

    Why can we be proud and yet humble?

    1. What did King David request of Jehovah, and how is that request presently

    being granted?

    2. How do the Scriptures help us to understand what is meant by being

    safeguarded by Jehovah?

    3. What evidence do we have that Christ Jesus was safeguarded by Jehovah,

    and what was the outcome?

    4. What assurance is given to anointed Christians and to the "other sheep"?

    5. 6. (a) How have God's people been safeguarded in modern times? (b) What

    relationship do the anointed have with Jehovah, and what about those with an

    earthly hope?

    7. By what means does Jehovah today safeguard the spiritual welfare of his


    8. What confidence does Jehovah place in his loyal ones, assuring them of


    9, 10. (a) How does Jehovah's trueness safeguard his people? (b) How does

    the Bible show that Jehovah safeguards his loyal ones by means of his


    11, 12. Explain how thinking ability, discernment, and wisdom safeguard us.

    13, 14. What does it mean to be self-centered, a: why is it unwise to become


    15, 16. (a) To what can a self-centered attitude lead, as exemplified by

    whom? (b) In reality, what does a person do when he is quick to judge


    17. Illustrate the danger inherent in being self-assuming or in becoming

    excessively self-confident.

    18. How does Jehovah feel about pride?

    19. In what respect are God's people proud and yet humble?

    20. How does Jehovah safeguard his people now, and how will he safeguard

    them in the future?

  • blondie

    Pretend the rest is red. I can't get it to work.

  • heathen
    Let us never

    become like Judas or the religious leaders, who were quick to judge others,

    only to condemn themselves.

    I think it's a little too late on this one . The past couple of weeks have been nothing but judgement calls , condemning all that find fault with the dogma . You might as well give up trying to have an intelligent conversation with them because they will condemn you on the spot for any variance of beliefs regardless if you can prove it or not . I think they squander the money away on luxuriant buildings instead of taking care of the needs of the impoverished as jesus and the twelve did . excuse me didn't they just spend half a billion on a new printing facility and yet the end is so near you can smell it . They are the pharisees and calling them judas would fit them just right .

  • frankiespeakin

    Thanks Blondi for typing all this.

    15 A self-centered attitude can lead to one's being self-righteous, which, in turn, can cause a person to become narrow-minded, presumptuous. The Bible aptly says: "You are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are, if you judge; for in the thing in which you judge another, you condemn yourself, inasmuch as you that judge practice the same things." (Romans 2:1; 14:4,10)

    You would think the WT writer would realize that they are probably the worst offenders, they selfcenteredly think they are superior to all the other religions, they narrow-mindedly read the bible and presumptously think they alone are the true christians. They judge fellow christians at the drop of a hat and condemn anyone that disagrees with them.

    This has got to be the most laughable piece of hypocracy to date.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    He that is fond of his soul destroys it, but he that hates his soul in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life." (John 12:25)

    That's all I can read - that's ugly, fairdinkum.

    The only "version", and the only people to render the phrase "life in this world" as your "soul" - it promotes an opposite meaning.

    It is ironic that the business of the wtbts is indeed the death of your soul.


    I wrote other things but changed my mind - no doubt the language would have had me barred from the forum.

  • SallySue
    This has got to be the most laughable piece of hypocracy to date.


    Thanks for bringing this to us Blondie. I miss your comments, but thanks for the underlining of "choice points."

  • blondie
    Thanks Blondi for typing all this.

    Thanks goes to another who scans this for me.

    Typing it made such a bad imprint on my mind.


  • frankiespeakin


    I know what you mean about having to type this stuff it is so mind numbing.

    A $64.000.00 question:

    How many weeks and how many writers were needed to write this piece of drivel??? I think the writing department must have scraped the bottom of the barrel when it came to finding writers for this study article.

    No wonder the friends are missing more and more meetings. This stuff is totally lacking anything upbiulding and would put even the most loyal to sleep it is so boring. Thank God I no longer have to sit through an hour of this mind numbing crapola.

  • frankiespeakin

    I notice now that pretty near every study article has a reminder to always look to the F&DS for guidance or to be odiediant to them. How pathetic!:

    7 One way in which Jehovah safeguard the spiritual welfare of his people is by providing a program of progressive training. This allows them to come to an ever more accurate knowledge of truth. Jehovah also provides ongoing guidance through his Word, his organization, and his holy spirit. Under the direction of "the faithful and discreet slave,"

    I think alot of the friends(JWs) must be getting tired of hearing this, I know I was even thought I thought it was the truth at the time, it made me sick every time I read phrases like this.

    Continuing on in paragraph 7:

    God's people around the world are like an international family. The slave class looks after the spiritual needs and when necessary even the physical needs of the family of Jehovah's servants—irrespective of their national origin or social standing.—Matthew 24:45.

    What a bunch of lies that is, The F&DS(GB) are not interested in the providing for thier physical needs unless they can milk it for all the publicity it is worth. If a member of the bethel family is caught having independant ideas they will be thrown out on the street with no compansation for all thier hard work and years of devoted service no matter how old they are, and with no consideration for how they are now to survive.

  • heathen
    The slave class looks after the spiritual needs and when necessary even the physical needs of the family of Jehovah's servants—irrespective of their national origin or social standing.—Matthew 24:45.

    Yah , talk about humility here . The slave class looks after their physical needs my A** . You are right , they would sooner try to find a way to give you the boot than help and besides who really pays for all this anyway ? My guess ----- The RF ..............

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