AS in damn close to DFed... lmao
Talk about a high control group...
by RichieRich 69 Replies latest jw friends
AS in damn close to DFed... lmao
Talk about a high control group...
Where do they get off threatening him with DFing? what's so wrong with that? I'd like to know what they found so offensive?
Very good! He had obviously gone to the trouble of printing it off especially!
Not sure about the shirt and tie combo tho.... maybe thats WHY he is single!
That is does that bring reproach upon the organization & Jehoobah in anyway? Boy, give these elders a little title and fake power within their little organization and it turns them into tightwads...
heheeh what a classic. Thats great. Oh well they are doing him a huge fav if the decide to D\F him. es
Hate to be pedantic but there has to be at least some (if not psuedo) scriptual grounds for disfellowshiping...would love to see the scripture that applies to this harmless bit of fun...
'Thou shalt not take the piss or have a sense of humour...' 1 Nofun 4:1
How stuck up their own arses are they?
OMG thats so funny. But D'fing - a tad harsh id say. Now if he had said "im single and I only do elders wives" THAT would have been naughty.
That is funny.
Remembers me of something we did long time ago.
They have those small pieces of paper above the cards saying voluteer etc.
In my language that word looks very much like "free and willing". So we changed the card for an elder to "free and willing". he did not notice. Walked half of the day with it, and wondering why people looked at him. Until he finally discovered it...
You could also add there the e-mail address and the words "Only serious takers please" and see what happens with jehovah's people.