Since leaving the borg, my kids have adjusted pretty well, embracing the "worldly" lifestyle of holidays, friends, fitting in with the "norm".
My youngest son Chance, had the hardest time of my three kids when we left , he is now 10 yrs old. When we left he cried wondering if Jehovah was going to be mad at us for not going to meetings anymore. After many heartpouring out talks it seemed he believed that God is love and if we were good people he would not destroy us at Armeggedon.
Last time he was talking about burning in hellfire!!! Even kids his age talk about more than skateboards and the Xbox. IT seems a group of kids have been talking alot about the wrath of God lately. My son has been hearing all kinds of things from kids , things that I had no idea where even thought about by kids his age, that were not JW. I guess JW kids are not the only ones taught fear from what I am hearing, and for the most part the kids we have run across mostly don't talk about God, but these are new kids he is friend with now.
My son told me that someone told him that if you try to kill yourself ( and especially if you succeed) you are going to burn in hell. He said someone told him if you are Gay you are going to burn in hell. HE said they said the Bible teaches it is why these kids said it. I talk to him and used my exjw reasoning on what I could and I know we still have along way to go. He doesnt understand why God would hate a gay person, I have several who come by and see us and all of my kids love all of my close gay friends. So it was hurtful when he thought God hated Gay people.
Then he was upset because my Mother his Grandmother, committed suicide. He never knew her, but he knows her thru me and he knows how much I loved and do love her. I think the reasoing I gave him will give him some sort of peace and I am doing my best to teach them to have an open mind and above all eles,,,,,,,,," that we just don't totally know the will of God, nor should we even try to guess what God really thinks on things". Basically treat all people with fairness, love and understanding, and be the best person you can be and God will love you for it.
Sometimes I wonder if I should take this child to a church that does not preach death and destruction, either the JW Armeggedon way or by way of hellfire.
Any ideas on a church that is like that, maybe a non denominational one? Unitarian?
I thought if he didnt go to church now, no religion pushed down his throat he could grow up and choose himself. But ,,,,,,,,he is hearing , and I hope he isnt belieivng hellfire because everyone eles does. hummmm.