Happiness is...

by jeanniebeanz 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • jeanniebeanz

    Happiness Is…

    What is happiness to you? People desire happiness, but where does it come from? This tormented me as a witness. As witnesses we look to someone else to make things better for us.

    Problems in the world? No problem, Jehovah will make it better. Not happy with your mate? No problem, in the New System they will be perfect. Overweight? No problem, pray more and Jehovah will make it go away. Even if He doesn’t, you will be slim in the new system. Poor? Just keep going in service and making the meetings, and you can move into a slaughtered rich mans mansion after the Great Tribulation.

    It took me a while after leaving the witnesses to realize that I had the power to create my own happiness. I didn’t have to look to someone else to serve me happiness, nor could they. I was broke so I got an education and then a good job. I was in a miserable relationship so I dumped the loser and worked on my own problems rather than his. I was upset at the number of homeless kids on the streets so I volunteered at a homeless shelter.

    I have found that Happiness is a state of mind that flows from knowing that you are giving your best and loving what you do. It does not have anything to do with social status, money or looks so long as your basic needs of life have been met.

    I have seen miserable people driving 80K dollar BMW’s to work on a Sunday, running a cutthroat corporation that they hate. I see the garbage man (hard, honest work which he enjoys) driving an old Country Squire station wagon, on their way to the beach having a grand old time.

    On the other hand, I have seen executives driving to work in the 80K BMW on a Sunday with a big smile on their face because they love the cutthroat company they are running and they are doing a great job. I’ve also seen the recycle guy driving his late model Olds through the neighborhood griping about his job and doing a lousy job too.

    Since you have left the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult, what have you discovered about happiness? Do you still look to someone or something outside of yourself to ‘make you happy’?


  • JH

    Happiness is being well off, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and having someone to love....even if it's only a pet.

  • candidlynuts

    happiness to me is the freedom to explore anything i want to without feeling guilty about it!

  • LittleToe

    ...just being.

    Live in the moment - carpe diem!

  • whyamihere

    Here is to show you my Happiness.............

    My Kids (Lily and Jack)


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee

    I actually found happiness as a witness! There was a phrase at one circuit assembly "never let anyone rob you of your joy". I began to work on that immediately! Little did I know that while I was eliminating toxic people and situations from my life I would eventually come around to the governing boobies! They did everything they could to ensure that I couln't be happy there ... so I left.

    Now, my happiness is dependent on being grateful for what I have, where I am and who I am. A man cannot MAKE me happy but he may certainly make me UNHAPPY! I don't allow that. I have to watch my expectations though ... sometimes expecting to be this or have that can cause undue anxiety and lead to bad decisions.

    For me, happiness is being content in the moment.

  • mrsjones5

    My smallest happiness: Joshua otherwise know as Pookabear

  • LittleToe

    Might want to edit that, MrsJones, as there's a name showing

  • jeanniebeanz

    awwww Josie... we can't see your pic... Oh, I see now... what a cutie...

  • mrsjones5

    well that is me in the background

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