JW brother stopped by to awfulize about the bombing in London

by homesteader 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • dorayakii

    ROFLMAO.... that word really is AWFUL sounding...

    I'm all for language evolution and improvement, but the Latin suffix "-ize" just doesn't sit well aesthetically with that Anglo-Saxon word... I prefer the word "c atastrophize", now THAT'S a word.... "Awfulize" just doesn't seem to have any stable etymological or semantic link to the word "awful".

    Coming back to the point of the thread, we all know that JWs are tacitly trained to look for any "prophetic significance" in world events. Any real compassion they may have for the victims is hidden underneath layers and layers of self-absorbed ego-centrism and fake concern. They are hypocrites, no two ways about it.

    ("hypocrisy": from Greek hypokrisis: "acting on the stage, pretense, playing a part"... "hypo-krinesthai" literally "to shift under")

  • free2beme

    Why the bombing in the London is not a sign of the end!

    Because the bible never said it directly, and the Witnesses can't get something right unless they predict it from happening after the fact (aka recounting history), and even then ... they're known for making errors

  • bother_forever
    " I wanted to vomit thinking that I used to sound just like that."

    It sends shivers down my spine when I think how bad I used to sound. They love to watch the news, it confirms that this indeed soooo close to "The End" and soon we are going to live forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever...............................................................etc,etc.

  • zagor
    A lot of people find the JW snubbing of sincere christians really infuriating how the dubs write everyone off as babylon and ignore their good actions. They always ignore anything positive, overemphasize anything negative and grossly overgeneralise. And always have the distorted picture.

    LOL, thats the best damn summary I've read in years

  • tdogg

    It is amazing how narrow their view of the world is:

    If 40 people die in UK or the US it could be the start of armageddon

    If 400,000 people die in Africa it is just plain old human suffering

    They never realize that for some people on earth right now, armageddon would be a step up.

  • katiekitten

    THANK YOU tdogg for putting it into perspective so well.

    Of course it was bad, but not anywhere NEAR as bad as things happening daily in less developed countries. 30 000 people die every day from poverty. THIRTY THOUSAND! every day. Compared to a one off of forty. It embarrases me that just because we are rich enough to squeal loudly we demand world sympathy. Those thirty thousand people every day have no voice, no media coverage, no president demanding their basic human rights.

    Did the dubs think armageddon was coming when chernobyl happened? Probably only in Chernobyl, but everywhere else, its just a bunch of poor russians. What about Union Carbide? All those poor indians still being born with the most horrendous deformaties. I dont suppose nuking a whole village with poisonous gas is big enough to start armageddon in the dubs book, cos, well its only indians, and they dont wear shoes and stuff so they dont hit the richter scale.

    And Union Carbide still hasnt paid up. One worker there was a university graduate, he was killed by the gas, his son was deformed so couldnt work, and the grandson is now illiterate because no money was paid to this family so he couldnt be sent to school. From University to illiteracy in three generations - brilliant. Union Carbide still trading in the USA, still making profits, still employing graduates, still denying liability and saying its the responisibility of a subsidiary company, who are also denying responsibility.

    Sorry about the rant, but I cant get excited about a rich country having a relatively small amount of suffering, compated to the overwhelming amount of human suffering going on in poor countries. Of course I shed a tear for those poor injured and killed people, before anyone thinks I have no heart.

  • greendawn

    It's the strange jw tunnel vision and their deeply seated inclination to justify everything the WTS does and demonise everything other religions do, they are strongly biased and blindly prejudiced.

  • stillajwexelder

    The tragic London bombing means that Armageddon is just around the corner

  • blondie
    If 40 people die in UK or the US it could be the start of armageddon

    If 400,000 people die in Africa it is just plain old human suffering

    I'm willing to bet that is because the original JW spoken about identifies with the people in the UK because he thinks they are like him and the ones in Africa look and live differently than he does.

    I like that word "awfulize." I have heard it several times this year. JWs latch onto disasters because they want the end to come now and release them from their personal difficulties. There is no concern about the instant deaths of billions they are wishing for.

    I have never personally lived through such a disaster but I can empathize with everyone that lost loved ones or were injured.

    Love, Blondie

  • hamsterbait


    Awfulize is a very good new coined word that captures exactly what she means.

    This is a continuation of a great tradition. Why do you think english has such a huge vocabulary?

    William Shakespeare made up many words which are now accepted as part of the language. I can' t SHARK UP any examples right now.

    Your reaction smacks of snobbery.

    Who is "bloody Nora"?


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