Can you go behind the program of "me"???

by frankiespeakin 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I have this friend who beleives that taking doses of DMT are perfectly legal,, it is only the laws are wrong that forbid a man from useing them of his own guarrented right to make choices,,,,in matters that personally concern him to which no government has the right to intrude or stick thier noses in your personal business. A man has a basic human right to deside himself what he will ingests into his body,,this is declared his constitutional rights,, his so called god given freedom and right. (I hate the tern god given it sound so ancient primitive christian that culture has caused a lot of pain and suffereing by its views of god) So I use the word with as much loosness as can be allow.

    Well he claims that he went behind the cultural programing of his human brain, and went into a bizaar world where every concept get torn to sheds and you see what appears in this bizaar world as an infinite number of programs behind and infront of the program we call "me".

    What do you think about that does it sound too astounding too awe filled to even try to contain a fraction of it in the progam called "me" that gets blown to smitherins and put back together in one piece in a matter of minutes our time but outside of time where you venture it all ways is the present.

  • Satanus

    It doesn't sound that strange to me. Ocassionally, i can step out of my programs, watch them run without being in them that much.


  • frankiespeakin


    Wow, I would like to do that on a permant basis, sometimes I can call it up without anything, but it never stays.

  • talesin


    If you can harness your dissociative skills, you can reach that place at will. It's like a lot of things, I think, not as difficult as we perceive it to be ... close your eyes, focus on the breath, have a detailed visualization of where you go when you wish to step outside yourself (yes, make it up and use it as your 'place'), and *click* ... done.


  • EvilForce
    EvilForce know I leave most of your posts alone...but really now! The brain is a mass of bio-chemical-electrical impulses. Using chemicals to "free" the brain so to speak really does not "free" it. It only changes the chemical reaction within it and thus your "take" on the world. So be careful. You only have one brain. :)

    Of course I have run across some people who I swear have only half a brain....LOL

  • frankiespeakin


    Thanks for your concern for my friend. I think your a cool guy. If the universe is 'one' then every thing is your brain and your brain is everything thier is no different except in the group of programs and sub ruotines we call me everey thing about you is an illusion there is no real time it is all a story of "me" their really is no me ecept in this batch of progam files that is all connect, as is everything. Here look at this book:

  • frankiespeakin


    Can you snap out of time at will? I sometimes feel I almost can but not freely back and forth only little glimspes.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "What's all this I keep hearing about people taking TNT?
    They could blow their heads off with that sh!t."
    "No Roseann, DMT. Not TNT, DMT"
    "Oh, that's different. Nevermind." I find this subject intriguing. Years ago I read Castenada, and I thought that it would be wonderful to be able to have a conversation with a coyote at twilight.

    BUT, I'm a Dub kid who has never been high, never smoked, never even been puke-face drunk (tipsy, yes, but never hung over.) I think that what has kept me from doing these things was partly my Dubishness, but also partly my recognition that the brain inside my head is the only one I have, and I didn't want to become a burned out freak of no use to himself or others. I tell myself that someday, maybe I wil try to meet Mescalito, but I keep pushing the date into the future. I guess I'm OK with that too. It's not like I'm beside myself with anxiety like "what if I don't do it?" I read some of the links that were posted about DMT it sounds equally fascinating. I have Libertarian leanings, so I agree with your friend that if he wants to build a handcart and go to hell on it, the government should not interfere unless he takes someone with him by force. "All things are permitted, but not all things are profitable." I'm not ready yet. For one thing, I see no evidence that anyone who has taken the trip has come back with anything that was objectively useful in this world (the real one, not the f-ed up one that you get with a spike driven thru your skull or a chemical in your blood).

  • talesin


    No. But I feel the difficulty comes from my brain's skill at hiding things from me. As I unlock more of the darker secrets within, the potential for many things increases. Dissociation is a wonderful skill that is far too maligned, imho. It's not just an extremely useful survival tool, but can also be used for enlightenment.


  • frankiespeakin

    Here something interesting:

    30 seconds—1 minute : You break through into DMT hyperspace. Often at this point, users believe that their hearts or breathing have stopped. This is not true. To an outside observer, you are breathing normally and your pulse, while elevated, is strong. We believe that this subjective effect is due to your "internal clock" being slowed so greatly that the subjective time interval between breaths or heartbeats seems like an eternity. Synthetic DMT has been extensively tested by medical authorities here and in Europe. It is perfectly safe with no lasting physical effects at these doses. However, since smoked DMT causes an abrupt blood pressure increase, it is probably not good for people with abnormally high blood pressure.

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