Well I have this friend who beleives that taking doses of DMT are perfectly legal,, it is only the laws are wrong that forbid a man from useing them of his own guarrented right to make choices,,,,in matters that personally concern him to which no government has the right to intrude or stick thier noses in your personal business. A man has a basic human right to deside himself what he will ingests into his body,,this is declared his constitutional rights,, his so called god given freedom and right. (I hate the tern god given it sound so ancient primitive christian that culture has caused a lot of pain and suffereing by its views of god) So I use the word with as much loosness as can be allow.
Well he claims that he went behind the cultural programing of his human brain, and went into a bizaar world where every concept get torn to sheds and you see what appears in this bizaar world as an infinite number of programs behind and infront of the program we call "me".
What do you think about that does it sound too astounding too awe filled to even try to contain a fraction of it in the progam called "me" that gets blown to smitherins and put back together in one piece in a matter of minutes our time but outside of time where you venture it all ways is the present.