That seemed to be the catch phrase before I left about a year ago. Maybe they need to hire a PR Firm to help out with a new catch phrase. Any ideas?
We are in the Last Days of the Last Days...
by zeroday 26 Replies latest jw friends
Let's see....You left about a year ago, so this must be "Last Days" number 366, or 367, or is it 368?
Looks like they are running out of words.
A few years ago I heared several people comment..."We used to say, Armageddon is just around the corner, but now we're round the corner and armageddon is staring us inthe face" I think I first heard tis at an assembly somewhere. I'm sure there were lots of oohs and aahs.
I'm wondering what they'll be saying in 10 years time.
Brothers, back in the 70s, people used to say "Armageddon is just around the corner." Then in the 90's, they'd say "We've turned that corner and Armageddon right ahead of us!" At the beginning of the 21st Century, they'd say "Armageddon isn't around the corner anymore, it's staring us in the face!" I'm here to tell you today, that Armageddon has come invisibly, just like Jesus Christ's parousia began invisibly in 1914. If you blinked, you missed it.
"Those were the days my friend, they thought apostacy would never end." (or)
"666, number of the beast; 666, get ready for the feast."
those poor souls still listening to the WT sprew.
My mother was happy as can be with the new "imminent domain" thing, hoping that people would turn on Babylon now. lol, I reminded her that the WT has some very prime property that will be heavily taxed.
poor thing, still looking for "signs" that the end is almost here.
Maybe they can recycle this one from the 7/15/1950 Watchtower:
"This we shall briefly describe, for it is evidence that the Universal Sovereign has not failed to have his Witnesses in the earth in these perilous last days of the old world. It is also evidence that we are "AT THE GATES OF THE UPRIGHT NEW WORLD" which his witnesses represent."
It's old enough that no one will remember it and can bring a new urgency.
Stop it you guys! Didn't your mothers ever tell you that it's not polite to laugh at oes who are mentally challenged?
Just remember-----the WTS is still on the clock----and always ONE DAY CLOSER to the Big A than they were yesterday! (even if it never comes!)
ha ha good one scully.
Or they might change tac alltogether, and say 'a watched pot never boils', the only reason Big A hasnt come yet is because everyone is looking out for it so much. If all the wicked faithless brothers and sisters just stopped trying to guess when it would come, then it might decide to happen.
Or they could redefine the word 'last' - the last shall be first and the first last - so the last days are actually the first days
Or they could redefine the word 'days' - a day to jehobah is as a thousand years - so the last days are plural therefore at minimum are a few thousand years long
Or they could redefine the word 'the' - I wouldnt put anything past them!
Oh come on. Who hasn't wanted to take a stick and poke at a 3 legged dog.