Just binned my last papers from the WT years - been in a corner of my study for some years now but time to take another step forward and destry all the evidence of wasted years - lots of old stuff, programmes from assemblies back to the late 50's why did we keep such useless **** anyway ???) , elders meeting notes etc and a copy of the Constitution the Society forced on UK congs in the late 90s - just reading it shows how in control the centre really is - also binned old WT CDs - one set from 1997 never opened - that was the time we "saw the light" and never looked at a WT book/CD again - have you all got rid of the "junk" or did you hold onto it for years / still got it ?
Clearing Junk from the WT Years
by core 14 Replies latest jw friends
You wouldn't happen to have an old "Kingdom Interlinear Translation Bible"?
I'm looking for one. I'll pay you for it, if you have one.
forced to keep it, here. wife wanted all my old stuff when i went borneo. so it's all still here in the house, staring back at me from the shelf as i read dawkins.
I kept one copy of each thing for my personal reference. The rest, I eBayed.
Now What?
I still have all my stuff as I am not really sure what I am going to do with my life after I complete my exit. However there are still many friends I would like to help out of the org so will probably hang onto stuff for a while.
But eBay sounds interesting. This propaganda is actually worth any coin?
Will have a look tomoro and see if theres one in the loft - most of books went years ago - clearing all elder years papers etc now - but will look for the Interlinear and let u know by PM
I still have two copies of the Proclaimers book and the Concordance, that's it. I'm thinking of selling the Proclaimers books on Ebay:
Jehovah's Witnesses publication "Proclaimers of God's Kingdom"
Yes, you too can own a copy of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's 1995 masterpiece of self-congratulatory propaganda and deception. The complete history of America's favorite join-us-or-die Armageddon cult, as told by themselves! Hilarious page-turning fun.
I kept the KM on shunning and shared it with my therapist. She made copies to reference with her other ex-witness clients.
She was really surprised to see how controlling the society is around the shunning issue.
Huxley -
I keep all my old assembly notes from when I was like 16 to remind myself of how stupid I am.
I've kept all of mine. have some books that are over 80 years old with a lot of interesting 'light' from the JW master, himself. Hang on to the propaganda and lies in case you ever want info for tracts, leaflets, etc. I reproduce the WT 'light' for 3x5 index card tracts and leaflets that I place at HBH and NH JW's in the area. Who knows, it may wake one of them up enough to investigate the apostate Governing Body.