''God requires of you...''
God requires of you your full name address and phone numbers.
by frankiespeakin 16 Replies latest jw friends
''God requires of you...''
God requires of you your full name address and phone numbers.
Go Fu#k Yourselves
by Homeboy
"Pharisee?................ Me?"
"Sheep,why do you feel you've been sheared"?
A troll thread? If the purpose of the thread was *SPECIFICALLY* trolling, then the best, most evil thing I could come up with would be
"Victims" Of Sex Abuse Are Getting What They Deserve
That would really stir up a lot of people, including me.
Hi,I'm new. I've been afraid to post here and am really nervous. I am one of Jehovahs Witnesses and am really sad. I think that the brothers do not show enough love and am thinking of leaving. But I had a question. If I leave, where else could I go? I am convinced that the truth is with Jehovah's people. Who else on earth is doing the preaching work?
I'd be suspicious. The spelling and syntax are too accurate to be from a troll. Have you ever noticed those people can't spell or punctuate?
Governing Body Trolles Make up one!! Let me see................"Mr. Kim?" Hehehehehe