My day at the assembly, er, convention

by Pistoff 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • potleg

    It's getting worse. The GB is getting more hard line and the R&F better buckle down or else. Look at any type of cult or dictatorship, what do they do when they feel threatened...they tighten their grip,they increase their control over the people to insure loyalty. Any who are found lacking are purged and a climate of fear and suspiscion comes in.

    All are being scrutinized. obedience to the GB is obedience to god so you'd better toe the line. I think their numbers will shrink but then they'll just put this down to god's sifting and refining. They can never their own minds and in the minds of those who blindly follow them.

  • Gordy

    Wasn't there another group of fanatics who said "We were only obeying orders"

  • VM44

    Elders in the congregation are like the managers at a McDonald's franchise! They both follow directions from their headquarters and keep things running at the local level in a uniform manner--VM44

  • katiekitten

    Mind control at its best - McJehoobah - YOU WILL HAVE A NICE DAY, or god will read your heart and destroy you.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I went to the Methodist Church this morning. Love was preached this morning. My child was confirmed, along with about 10 other young people. Glad she is now a member of a loving congragation instead of a cult. I did not hear the word obedient one time.

  • xjwms

    Thank you for this information.

    When my wife and I talk about the reason why I don't go to meetings, I always say the same thing......

    "The Elders told me that I wasn't welcome there anymore"

    and she always says the same thing.........

    "Since when did you ever listen to the Elders?"

    NOW, with this new light information..............

    I'll have to drop this on her before she goes.

  • misguided

    I will obey the elder who tells me..."it's okay that I touch "these" areas on your's a normal part of a clinical me...I'm an elder chosen by jehovah's spirit..."


    Glad to be free of that crazy place!


  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    This makes me wanna puke my lunch! and havent even had lunch yet. Its sickining, sick sick sick.

  • hamsterbait

    I'm going to be

    "thick thick thic thick until I thcream!!!!!


  • frankiespeakin

    I think The Governing Body by having these kinds of talks at the convention, and the stuff they have ordered up into the WT publications shows you how desperate they are to keep the JWs as slaves to thier will. They are so desparate they are continuing to pour it on more intensly as time goes on. (This is going to backfire on them.)

    I think all this increased attention to being obeidient to the FD&S has got many JW thinking about how underhanded the Boys in Brooklyn really are. I see this DC as very pivital point in causing many to turn away from giving control to those Old Geezers on the Governing Body who don't know their a$$ from thier elbow. Since the Governing Body collectively deside things in a Sociopathic way I think they will not allow a decrease and probably want it to keep increasing in desparation even if some of thier so-called friends may warn them to back off they will not listen and will continue to increase the intensity until it has reached its saturation point to where it unleashes a great withdrawal of JWs from thier mind control, I'm sure many are leaving the conventions very distrest about falling for the lies of the GB. I think this DC was an eye opener for many, especially for the many that visit this site from time to time.

    I want to thank all you fine people that have been forced to go to the DC against your will by the strong arm tactics of the Governing Body, for reporting to this large World Wide Internet community here on JWD. Your posting it here does a lot of good for many, and we do have many lurkers even, and I feel sure that we have some GB, and some of the boys in brooklyn that had oversight over what gets put on the convention, I would think Legal is reading these as well. Let keep these type of thread going all durring this very special contention time.

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