Help me handle this louser

by Cupcake 36 Replies latest social relationships

  • Mecurious?

    Son of a bitch! I just saved myself $50.00. Thanks, ladies


    Talesin...scorned PEOPLE are vengeful.....women are just as bad as men. :)

    Good Point!

  • Elsewhere

    Have you tried showing the guy the receipt you saw? Maybe the first guy with the receipt is the real con and the one you are mad at actually has the real receipt and did not want to flaunt it with the price on it.

    Elsewhere, of the Paranoid Class

  • mapleaf18

    yep, just stay away/ignore him.

    i had that happen to me AND the dude showed up at MY HOUSE (from my biz letterhead) and wanted to come in!!!


  • love2Bworldly

    Cupcake--if the guy bugs you anymore, you might think about reporting him for sexual harrassment. It would serve him right to have that in his personnel file.

  • Honesty

    Tell him who your Daddy is. That usually makes the losers disappear.

  • Maverick

    The next time he talks to you just stare at him and say nothing. He has already taken all the time and personal attention in your life he gets. You owe him no more. Walk by him like he does not exist, this is very hard on a man, but document everything in case he tries to burn you at work.

  • Cupcake

    the latest on this louser. i have been tottally ignoring him and his g/f (I will call her Nancy) told me herself that he is to cheap to sent a dozen roses let alone two. i ask him how many Nancy's did he knew he said oh several. and i said "Well she called up the other day and said she was your girlfriend and he replyed. " naw shes my best friends girlfriend who is getting married on july 23 in vegas. Get this he invited me to go up to vegas for this wedding that soppose to take place. So I ask Nancy if she knew about this and she said no..... It was her daughter who was soppose to get married and she canceled..... He called me from his house were Nancy lives and she walked in on him and when I ask who was that he said " oh its my daughter" this guy has no clue that i know the whole scope on him. he kicked Nancy out of his bed room and shes totally distrout about the whole situation and how hes acting. but she wants to come up with a plan or has come up with a plan to expose this guy. I told her no matter what he will deny until he is actually caught with his lies.. in person..... but that it would not better her relationship with him he will just resent her more and or she will still forgive him and stay with him and he will have to be uncomfortable with the fact that I will know all the lies he has told me about him not being in a realation ship ( having a g/f) buying me the flowers; being a player; blah blah blah... kind of reminds me of that program CHEATERS

  • Elsewhere


    I was wrong... this guy is a pathalogical lier!

  • Cupcake

    another lie.... he had told me that he was a widower and married his now x wife and of course is divorce now and had not yet found the right woman.... find out today his 1st wife still lives and he has tried several times to get with his x wife before he finally got custody of his sun... and tells his now live in girlfriend. that shes just a roommate and thats what hes telling others.

  • doofdaddy

    Why do you keep interacting with him? I don't understand. You want to lose him, but you are getting to know every detail of his pathetic life.It sounds like a soap.

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