The Return of Ozzie's Weekend Polls - # 139

by ozziepost 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    A note from the publishers: When Her Majesty some years back spoke of her "annus horribilis" she was not alone! Many (most?) of us have years like that! Surprisingly this year is both the worst of years and at the same time the best of years for the ozzieposts. The worst: because of spending a good part of it in hospital, in pain, having major surgery four times.
    The best: because our long-departed family have returned.

    Ahh, the best of times!

    To celebrate we publish a poll that calls for some serious reflecting on the part of you weekend pollsters.

    So here it is. Enjoy!


    Ozzie & Posters Society

    When the elders said the Dateline/Panorama/Sunday program was all lies, I believed them because...........

    1. The elders are always right.

    2. I was scared of them.

    3. I couldn't believe the Society would allow such things to happen.

    4. I couldn't believe the Society was guilty.

    5. I didn't know what it was all about.

    6. I knew nothing of the "two witnesses" rule.

    7. I thought it only happened in the churches.

    8. I 'knew' apostates were liars.

    9. Persecution was a sign of "the last days".

    10. Other (please detail)

    As always, we're looking forward to reading your replies once again.

    Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)

    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

  • stillajwexelder

    9 - They always fall back on the good old persecution complex

  • katiekitten

    Good one.

    3 and 6 definately. I knew nothing of the 2 witnesses rule, and when I read about it I thought how unreasonable, no immoral, to stick to a rule that causes so much obvious harm. Its so rigid and wicked its unbelievable. So unbelievable I couldnt imagine the society would let that happen.

    What sort of a human being can suspend their own human thought and just blindly uphold a wicked rule? The nearest I can think of is Nazi middle and little men bleating 'we were just following orders'. baaaa

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    10. Other (please detail) - I'm afraid it didn't matter to me much if critisism was true or false.

    It was easier to dismiss and scorn if there was an innacuracy or two attributed to the show, but at the end of the day it was "my country truth, right or wrong".

    No amount of critisism, valid or otherwise, would dent that... well.. until their silly rules started to affect me personally and then it gradually cleared up in my mind that wrong truth was a bit of an oddity, otherwise known as BS.

  • talesin

    10. I believed the programs were telling the truth when I heard about them!

    w/b Ozzie, I'm so happy to read you. I have been thinking of you a lot, and hope you are coming along well now! :) :)


  • blondie

    10. Other (please detail)

    I knew that the WTS had lied having been involved with 5 abuse situations in the WTS, mine included.

    Even after confessing to 2 elders separately, one pedophile didn't see the inner room of a JC until the victim's family got the CO and DO involved.

    When I saw Bill Bowen's experience unfolding and the creation of Silentlambs, I knew I was not alone.

    But the JC arrangement keeps things hidden from the rank and file. Unless information leaks, the only ones who would know were the victims, their immediate families and the elders.


    (Welcome back, Ozziepost)

  • luna2

    3. and 9. here

    I wouldn't even watch the program on television. It's not that I didn't think that these things had happened, it's that I thought they were isolated cases and that individual elders had made bad judgment calls trying to keep Jehovah's name out of the news in connection with something so awful. I put blinders on and, therefore, had no idea that this mishandling of child abuse cases was systemic until coming to this site.

    Stinking jerks...makes me sick when I see articles about "Our precious children". Right...all they cared about was protecting their image. Concern for innocent kids barely registered on their radar.

    (Glad to see you ozzie! Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery!! )

  • JW83

    3. I always had implicit trust. Silly me!

    Ozzie, glad to hear you're better - long may it last!


  • garybuss

    Ozzie, You wrote:

    The best: because our long-departed family have returned.

    Huh? What's this? What did I miss?

  • blondie

    (So Ozzie, did the shunning JW side of your family realize what a foolish and dangerous game they were playing? )

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