For anyone scared about being here
by stevenyc 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ha!! Okay now seriously, here are a few tidbets to nibble on:
View Full Version : Re: The Watchtower Society CALLS JEHOVAH GOD A "FAILURE". Talley 09-06-2004, 11:15 AM The Goobs breed failure.
They hybridize failure.
They spiritually modify failure to enhance it.
They clone failure.
They sow failure.
They cultivate failure.
They tend failure.
They groom failure.
They feed failure.
They will Harvest FAILURE.
TT _________ > It is FULLY IN ACCORDANCE with the teachings of the WATCHTOWER Bible &
> Tract Society (WTBTS) for every member of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES to Carefully
> Study the LIST mentioned below, which comprises truly fine scriptural food
> from its own publications. Remember the WTBTS told you to confirm whether
> what was taught by the WTBTS was in harmony with the Bible - and if not,
> not to circulate it {WT Mar 1 1894 repr p1629}, to confirm WT teachings
> against the Bible {WT May 1 1934 p131}, to invite critical examination of
> your faith {WT Aug 15 1950 p263}, that, far from being wrong, it is your
> duty to examine religion to see if it is true or false {WT Nov 15 1963
> p688}, that you should actively examine your own religion {The Truth That
> Leads To Eternal Life 1968 p13, a WTBTS publication}, that you should
> and examine BOTH sides of a matter {Awake! Oct 22 1973 p6}, that your
> religion was in no way afraid of being exposed to scrutiny {WT Aug 1 1978
> p12}, that you should to be willing to submit everything to scrutiny
> {Awake! Aug 22 1984 p22/28}, that you should not have a closed mind {WT
> 22 1984 p3-4}, that you should actively refer to the older publications
> Jun 15 1985 p12}, that all people are encouraged to examine other
> and with an open mind {WT Apr 1 1991 p17} and that you are encouraged to
> exhibit freedom of thought {Awake! Jun 8 1994 p21}. So, please follow this
> advice of the WTBTS, and study that LIST very carefully. "You will know
> Truth and the Truth will set you free."(John 8:32). Fine advice indeed!
> {WT Dec 1 1990 p19}, where it quotes {WT Dec 15 1914 p377-8}: "If any one
> knows anything better, let him take it. If any of you ever find anything
> better, we hope you will tell us." Kindly, Prominent Bethelite has duly
> obliged. Having read it, if you find the WTBTS has ever told falsehoods,
> follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Dec 1 1991 p7} "A religion
> that teaches lies cannot be true."; if you find the WTBTS has even made
> false prophecy, follow the WTBTS advice clearly given in {WT Feb 1 1992
> "Beware of False Prophets!" - and cut yourself off from these Foul Cheats. "PromynintBethelite" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> For seventy years, the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses have taught that
> all those who do not adopt their unique beliefs and teachings have "no
> scriptural hope" (their exact written words) of surviving the great battle
> of Armageddon.
> In simple terms, this means that "Jehovah God" will soon slaughter all
> those who are not associated with the JWs.
> So, billions of humans now alive will soon be destroyed, according to the
> Watchtower Cult. Per its own teachings, that is about 99.9% of humanity
> (all of this earth's 6.2 billion people, with the exception of most of the
> 6 million JWs, some of their minor dependents and some on their way into
> the sect).
> But the Jehovah's Witnesses, which repeatedly claims to be God's Sole/Only
> visible organization on earth, and God's only mouthpiece on this planet,
> notorious for changing its own teachings as to what "Jehovah God" is
> saying. The changes are often U-turns - 180-degree turnabouts!
> Let us examine how eighty years ago the Watchtower itself described the
> belief that billions were going to be slaughtered, and what illness such a
> belief led to...
> The following quote is from the October 27, 1920 issue of "The Golden Age"
> (a precursor magazine to "Awake!"), published for the Watchtower Bible &
> Tract Society, in an article boastfully entitled "Advanced Studies in the
> Divine Plan of the Ages". On page 62 it reads:
> "12. What do the various creeds of "Orthodoxy" teach with respect to these
> billions of heathen?
> The various creeds of today teach that all of these billions of humanity,
> ignorant of the only name under heaven by which we must be saved, are on
> the straight road to everlasting torment; and not only so, but that all of
> those 116,000,000 Protestants, except, the very few saints, are sure of
> same fate. No wonder, then, that those who believe such awful things of
> Jehovah's plans and purposes should be zealous in forwarding missionary
> enterprises! The wonder is that they are not frenzied by it. Really to
> believe thus, and to appreciate such conclusions, would rob life of every
> pleasure, and shroud in gloom every bright prospect of nature. To show
> we have not misstated 'Orthodoxy' on the subject of the fate of the
> heathen, we quote from the pamphlet - 'A Mute Appeal on Behalf of Foreign
> Missions' - in which the diagram was published. Its concluding sentence
> 'Evangelize the mighty generations abroad - the one thousand million
> who are dying in Christless despair at the rate of 100,000 a day'.
> 13. How has the Word of God, through the Prophet Isaiah, foretold this
> condition of affairs and its remedy?
> But though this is the gloomy outlook from the standpoint of human creeds,
> the Scriptures present a brighter view, which it is the purpose of these
> pages to point out. Instructed by the Word, we cannot believe that God's
> great plan of salvation was ever intended to be, or ever will be, such a
> failure."
> So in 1920 the Watchtower mocks what it (somewhat misleadingly) claims is
> the "Orthodox" view, of all "human creeds" (i.e., all religions besides
> their own cult) that billions of humans are going to be destroyed. The
> Watchtower remarks that such would render God's plan a "failure".
> But what the Watchtower itself dismissively ridiculed in 1920 is what the
> Watchtower ITSELF teaches now, from the 1930s to the present day, is
> Law"!
> Indeed, the only difference is that the WTS omits the "everlasting
> part of the teaching: it merely condemns 99.9% of the world's six-billion
> population to "everlasting destruction" for their failure to hearken to
> Watchtower dogma.
> How quaint! How amusing! What a hoot!
> In 1920 the Watchtower criticizes and condemns "nominal Christianity" (its
> abusive term for all Christian faiths, saying they are Christian only in
> name) for their belief that God is going to kill billions.
> And then the Watchtower itself changes its mind and goes on to teach that
> God is going to kill billions (a change in dogma prompted by the
> realization by Watchtower bosses that a death-threat brings in more
> followers - and therefore more $$s - than a belief that a Golden Age will
> open when God will teach all) - and now hypocritically condemns all other
> religions for not making the same death threat.
> So in 1920 the Watchtower's proof that other religions were false and that
> only _it_ had the truth is turned on its head, and now the Watchtower's
> does what it used to claim the other religions did, but mysteriously that
> same action that in 1920 earned the Watchtower's derision now proves that
> only the Watchtower has the truth and that other religions are false.
> "Heads I win, Tails you lose"
> Further, what the Watchtower today teaches is what they themselves
> described in 1920 as a blasphemous belief that God's plan (and therefore
> God) is a FAILURE! (Their 1920 words: "we cannot believe that God's great
> plan of salvation was ever intended to be, or ever will be, such a
> failure")
> The truly awful nature of the Watchtower Cult - steeped in hypocrisy,
> bluster and institutionalized deceit - is laid bare by the above.
> And the Watchtower's own words from 1920 inadvertently but thoroughly
> expose the malignancy of Watchtower teachings today. Above they wrote, in
> connection with the belief that the vast majority of humanity were going
> be killed:
> "The wonder is that they are not frenzied by it. Really to believe thus,
> and to appreciate such conclusions, would rob life of every pleasure, and
> shroud in gloom every bright prospect of nature."
> What true words those are!
> Much of the profound mental illness exhibited by Jehovah's Witnesses over
> this past half century (clinical studies demonstrating the levels of
> illness exhibited by JWs is up to forty times that found in the general
> public) stems from the appalling teaching that God is any moment going to
> slaughter everyone who is not associated with the JWs!
> For most JWs, in spite of the Watchtower's protestations that all those
> reject the Watchtower "Become-Our-Unpaid-Slaves-Or-Else" message are
> despicable God-haters, the doomed 99.9% includes at least one person whom
> the JW still loves. And the Watchtower insists that the MURDER of such
> loved ones comprises the most wonderful "GOOD NEWS", for which news the JW
> must be grateful and in which he or she must rejoice...
> ... Appreciation of which "Good News" literally drives the JW over the
> into extreme nuttiness and kookiness (desparately, frenziedly trying to
> convert the loved one to "save" him or her), deep gloom and despair,
> clinical depression and sometimes into full-blown lunacy.
> Exactly as the Watchtower itself predicted (back in 1920) such awful,
> hateful teachings would accomplish - except that the Watchtower ascribed
> those teachings to other faiths! (The usual "works out opposite to the way
> the Watchtower says it will" effect).
> The Watchtower inadvertently predicted in 1920 that its own supporters
> would be depressed, gloomy and robbed of every pleasure:
> "to appreciate such conclusions [that God will sluaghter billions] would
> rob life of every pleasure, and shroud in gloom every bright prospect of
> nature."
> No wonder the Jehovah's Witnesses, who ceaselessly proclaim themselves as
> being "The Happiest People on Earth", comprise an astounding number of
> pill-popping hypochondriacs, seeking refuge from their depression with
> Prozac. > () The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses Cult ()
> () the FOULEST DISEASE masquerading as a religion, ()
> () and a DAMNED OUTRAGE right from start to finish () > Examples of FINE SPIRITUAL FOOD AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME FROM "THE SLAVE":
> "We need not here repeat the evidences that the 'seventh trump' began its
> sounding in A.D. 1840, and will continue until the end of the time of
> trouble" {WT Nov 1880 p1}; "masturbation is no mere innocent pastime but
> rather a practice that can lead to homosexual acts" {WT May 15 1970 p315;
> also WT Oct 1 1970 p604}; "If heaven were made the receptacle of the
> heathen, savages, barbarians, the idiotic, simple, insane and INFANTS, it
> would cease to be heaven to a considerable extent, and become a
> .. billions of ignorant, imbecile and degraded .. never formed characters
> [not] fit companions for saints" {WT Oct 15 1896 p245} Fine JW Wisdom!! -
Most of us recognise the tactic used by the WT writers (and for that matter a great many other totalist religions). First create an impression of scholarship and openmindedness to appease the modern mind's need for rationality. They often do this with encouragement to check encyclopedias about the associations of Christmas with paganism. (Not a secret) Then berate the sincere efforts of others as futile or selfishly motivated, deride science as unreliable, expose the failures of politics, rail against othe religion's past compromises, engender a distrust of everything but the WT writers. If this is successful the appeal to research the truth becomes nothing more that rhetoric designed to suppress curiosity and deepen faith in the WT writers that shown such confidence that they claim they want their teachings to be scrutinized.
Now What?
I can't believe that they would actually put that on their site. Good find Steve, thx.
Not very bright are they?
That has always been a sore point with me .... why is it okay to tell others that they need to be open enough to look for truth in their religion and then tell "us" "them" (however you identify yourself) that if you look for answers outside the WBTS, then you're weak!
Whatever happened to "what's good for the goose is good for the gander?"
Your point Nellie is exactly one of the reasons why I know that they do not have the "truth" they are so hypocritcal, telling people to be like the Boreans (sp?) and search the bible to see if what they are doing is in harmony and yet they do not allow their own people/converts to do the same.. if they were the truth, would there be harm in researching? of course not..
People got kicked out of Bethel and the org for wanting to study the Bible on its own without the society's mags or books. It's like the middle ages in the dubs.
hehehe - reading that quote from them is so pathetic 'cos the minute you apply that to the JW religion - you are labelled an apostate.
People got kicked out of Bethel and the org for wanting to study the Bible on its own without the society's mags or books. It's like the middle ages in the dubs.
No one expects aspanishinquisition but by golly the WTS have got one going...imagine exJWs being burnt at the stake with a watchtower strapped to their chest....after all the elders wouldnt mind...they have been noted to say at judicial committee meetings that 'in the past we wouldve taken you outside and killed you you know!' should be...DB74
Of course them feeling as "masters of the universe" they couldn't see the point even if you were to show it to them. They'd think it applies to everyone else but to them. That's how "perfect" they are. They' have enarned their perfection by scratching their balls all day long. How could such a penetrating activity yield anything else but perfection.