with no alternate interpretations of the same data besides the evolutionary ones.
because there are none of substance. none of those "alternate interpretations" survive what evolutionary theory has survived. they do not explain, they preach, ...usually christian fundamentalism. and the euphemism of Intelligent Design is no better. perhaps because it was founded by Phillip Johnson (not a biologist, nor a scientist of any kind but a mid life born-again christian who became a lawyer).
regarding this argument from authority, you may want to use this quote from a letter to the editor of the New York Times Book Review, that Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould had been working on before professor Gould's death:
Like any flourishing science, the study of evolution has its internal controversies, as we (Dawkins and Gould) both know. But no qualified scientist doubts that evolution is a fact, in the ordinarily accepted sense in which it is a fact that the Earth orbits the Sun. It is a fact that human beings are cousins to monkeys, kangaroos, jellyfish and bacteria. No reputable biologist doubts this. Nor do reputable theologians, from the Pope on. Unfortunately, many lay Americans do, including some frighteningly influential, powerful and, above all, well-financed ones.