Help! I am having feelings of doubt.

by cab1000 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5
    The Society had been wrong about the cross and Christmas? That's the first I'd heard that one.

    Well then it's time you did some research. I suggest using and entering "jehovah's witnesses and the cross" and see what you come up with.

    Happy hunting


  • cab1000

    well for anyone following my saga, he wrote back, and I am VERY unsure weather I should even reply.

    Here is what he wrote:

    Well then I guess you better think about the stand you are taking. I'm not calling you an Apostate. You either are or you're not. I hope you are not headed down that path? However you did not respond some some of my questions.

    He is being a bit of an ass...that is really uncalled for. I wish to drop it, but he thinks he's ahead, and he is. He gets to hold the high cards because he knows that he has more power in this case. Of course, I could go ahead and really lay it on him, but that would be the same as saying, "Well, its been nice being in your family, but from here on out, lets never talk, and make any family and business obligations very awkward, BYE." Then, of course any previous witness freind would be filtered out. I would look like an of those people you knew that left the truth and THEY were the stupid ones.....

    Listen to me vent........hey, thats what this site is all about right? Anyone think of anything clever to reply with? Just drop it?


  • imfreeimfree

    Hi ~Cab.

    It was Rutherford, not Jehovah who gave them the “new name”. Rutherford wanted to have a religion that was totally different to “Christendom”. After the failed predictions prior to 1930s, Rutherford needed a new publicity stunt, he invented the idea that “God gave them a new name”, therefore they were his “chosen people”.

    Please keep in mind that Jehovah even destroyed people he actually chose. Example: the Israelites. Because of their disobedience, God became disgusted, and only 3 of the millions, who left Egypt, entered the Promised Land.

    (1 Corinthians 10:1-5) “…that our forefathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea 2 and all got baptized into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea; 3 and all ate the same spiritual food 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink… 5 Nevertheless, on most of them God did not express his approval, for they were laid low in the wilderness.”

    (Hebrews 3:16-19) 16 “For who were they that heard and yet provoked to bitter anger? Did not, in fact, all do so who went out of Egypt under Moses? 17 Moreover, with whom did [God] become disgusted for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose carcasses fell in the wilderness?”

    The WBTS organization has reproached God’s name in a big way, therefore consequences will follow.

    Sometimes, it is best, for the sake of peace, to back off; you have supplied him with some solid facts, in time those seeds may germinate, then he will see what you are seeing.

    Best wishes.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    In May I started a thread on the use of the name ''Jehovah'' - some of the responses may be of some help -

  • c2blieve

    Prayer should take precedence over any doubt that you have. If you truly want to know the truth, express your desires to God with the sincerity that you have. The bible is an open book for all that want it. Ask yourself this question: If you had a sick child to leave with a babsitter, how would you leave instructions for the proper medication? Would it be with hidden notes to be found, or to be discovered at a later time when maybe your child was not in the care of your babysitter? Of course not, careful instructions would be left for the care of your child. With God, we are talking about lives. His love for us supercedes anything that we could imagine. His word the bible is there for all to read. It is not coded for a select few. He will give you spirit if you ask. As someone who can bring honest testimony to you, I was a Jehovah Witness for 38 years. I was told that my channel to God was cut off when I was disfellowhipped. I am not bitter, nor I am I angry. I feel sorry for people who truly do not see what GOD'S love and approval is about. No man has power to come between you and God. No man should change Gods Word. I pray that you will continue to search and let your own reasoning power guide you in the right direction. Don't be afraid to ask questions or research the doctrines and teachings. If it truly is the truth, why would there be anything to hide? Smiles to you. :)

  • MidwichCuckoo
    In fact, if witnesses believed exactly as back then, they

    would surely be disfellowshipped today for non compliance.

    This is something I have to agree with - and because of it I can't see how anyone can be disfellowshipped when the Society changes Its mind receives New Light. Maybe this is why the baptism questions have recently changed?

  • sass_my_frass

    I think you should let it go, and keep them in your life to some small extent. Being cut off is brutal; if you can avoid it, it's worth it.

    His first list of questions sounded like the index page of any WBTS book, and it probably was. He sounds so defensive. Give him time and he might even start asking questions, and if so he knows he can talk to you about them. In the meantime you have your own lives to enjoy and your bubs to parent, and why give them family issues?

    I like your take on life, in that it's similar to mine, and I can relate to getting the shakes any time I have a conversation with anybody in The Truth; it's like going back in time. I can't back up my own beliefs now, just like I couldn't then. Everybody here has had theirs shaken up. Just chill for now. I hope that god gets that it's confusing too.

  • potleg

    I'd just let it go at least for now, there will always be something else he can bring up. I have a similar situation with my mother, right now I just change the subject or tell her right out that I don't want to discuss it with her. Understand that you will never "win" in their eyes. Good luck.

  • diamondblue1974
    they were the only ones using "Jehovahs" name

    This might have already been covered and apologies it if has...but they are the ones choosing to use Jehovahs is of no indication of Jehovah actually choosing them as his mouthpiece so this is a false argument.

    The WTS society do hold onto the scripture which says the Jehovah will have a people for his name...blah blah...but they have chosen to use his name and not the other way round. If Jehovahs Witnesses existed pre this scripture and the scripture applied in retrospect then this might be more persuasive...but put doesnt...

    As far as becoming apostate...there is a simple answer to this....true apostacy as spoken in biblical times (if it indeed was) means turning your back on your God...not an organisation which has not provided food at the proper time; you should simply suggest that you are not an apostate....if you babble on about the meaning of apostacy then he will just deem you to be one anyway which is highly likely in either breath.

    Its natural to have doubts...its natural to have flashbacks and should you ever need a pick me know where we are....we wont force feed you with beliefs...we wont condemn you for the choices you make...hope to see you round.


  • LouBelle

    it's so difficult to reason with those witnesses. My arguement is that the GB doesn't know what I, Louise Maxwell need spiritually!!!!!

    Your brother also reasoned that many of the writers/prophets of old made mistakes - yes they did, HOWEVER and this is the point here "When they wrote by inspiration of God or spoke on behalf of God there was no mistake/error, whatever they said happend" The organisation claims to speak on behalf of god but clearly by their many errors we know they aren't unless god doesn't know what's going on.

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