Actually it is a point of speculation called the "naked truth" in some circles.
JW nudists (aka What's wrong with this picture?)
by melmoth 18 Replies latest jw friends
there is not going to be in food people will not need to eat they will have different bodies. The stomach will be done away with.
You mean my fantasy six-pack will no longer be needed? How about my buns of steel?
I remember years ago asking about being naked as Adam and Ever were (in the new system). I was told that we would not be naked in the new system because even though we would be perfect we would still have knowledge of our "imperfectness" (is that even a word?) and therefore we would know that seeing a naked body would bring up "old knowledge" of lust. I am paraphrasing of course, but that is the gist of what was said.
Oh, for Pete's sake, can't they ever just say, "We really don't know"? Do they have to speculate an answer for every little thing?
Oh, for Pete's sake, can't they ever just say, "We really don't know"? Do they have to speculate an answer for every little thing?
Duhhh ... we'll have to get back to you on that one. Do you mind if I bring someone with me, a man? They call him one of our elders.
Good point, especially in light of the fact that the WT has come out and said there probably will be no sex desire or marriage.
I always wondered who were the models for those pictures. And also which sister would like to be the model for the pictures of the harlot etc.
Once when I was a teenager I asked a particularly pompous elder whether we would go naked in the new system. He harrumphed a bit and finally said, "Well, I'm sure we will be dignified."
I distinctly remember pictures of barbecuing going on. I don't think that a chap would want to be getting involved in that sort of thing in the nuddy thank you very much.