My knee hurts when I *don't* run.

by Elsewhere 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I like to run, but if I ever go a week or more without running my left knee starts getting very sore. Once I go out an run again the pain will go away so long as I keep running every other day.

    Anyone have any idea why this would be?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    gees.... for most people the opposite is true, unless you're in top shape.

    Sounds like your muscles, etc. just love that extra blood flow coursing it's way through their territory, kicking out any remaining lactic acid.... (that will be $ on your way out)


    (of the 'clueless' class)

  • HadEnuf

    Obviously you are some kind of freak Elsewhere! JUST KIDDING!

    I wouldn't doubt that you have some arthritis in your knee and the running keeps your joints "oiled" and warmed up. When the ligaments/muscles/joints aren't used for a while...they probably freeze up and then cause the pain. I'm no expert; but I had my left knee replaced last year and have had 3 "scopes" (one coming up in two weeks because my new knee is still painful)...and if I don't overdo it; they seem to feel better. BUT...on the other hand, when I do too much walking or going up and down stairs...HELLO PAINKILLERS. (Actually; I've been on oxicotine for over a year and a half...not good).

    But that's my theory Elsewhere. A touch of arthritis in your knee that your running actually helps! Hmmmmm...and this is why I'm NOT A DOCTOR!

    Hope you feel better.

    Big hug...cathy l.

  • damselfly

    Not that I would ever call you old 'cough' grampy 'cough' but it could be early arthritis.

    My bill is on it's way


  • love11

    Maybe taking a week off of running is making your muscles and ligaments get weak and it starts to feel sore? Don't really know, I've never been much of a runner. LOL

  • Netty

    I think you may just be in-KNEEbreated

  • Dragonlady76

    I have the same problem, it's Tendonitis of the knee, it's like a re-occuring injury and it will never go away, for now, don't run for a week or till the pain subsides, then every time you run, wear a knee support, not a brace, the support is made by Mueller, it's designed to keep pressure on the tendon under the knee and will keep the tendonitis in check and allow you to run.


  • hubert

    Elsewhere, maybe you are getting "kneesles".

    Sorry, just had to say it.

    Hope you don't have more problems with it. Lots of "good" advice here, though.

    Keep running.


  • MegaDude

    It probably has to do with your impacted colon.

  • PaulJ

    You might have trapped a little nerve or something. It might not hurt as much if you do a more controlled type of exercise ie cycling. Above all else if it doesnt get better, go see a doctor.

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