Today's speaker - statistics re terrorism

by Bonnie_Clyde 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    According to today's speaker: Up till 1971 there had only been 24 people killed by terrorists. By 1983 there had been 17,000 and it's still on the rise. My question: What is the definition of terrorism? Does it mean people are killed by bombs during peace time? It's hard to believe only 24 people had been killed by 1971. How many years did he go back? Don't know where he got his statistics.

    The rest of talk was very typical: 35 minutes of how bad the world warming, waste disposal, nuclear plants, starvation, moral breakdown, divorce, drug addiction, AIDS, gambling, teenage suicide, families under attack, women's libbers (haven't heard that expression for a long time), children disobedient to parents, "the world has no standards," road rage (everybody has road rage except the JW's).

    Jehovah provides help through the Organization, Faithful and Discreet Slave, Watchtower, Awake and (oh yes) the Bible and Bible aids, 5 congregation meetings, and the elder arrangement. Not one mention of Jesus Christ during the entire talk.

    Lots of comments on paragraph 7 or today's Watchtower about the FDS providing for our spiritual needs and even physical needs of the family of Jehovah's servants. One sister mentioned how upset she gets when people mention that they hear the same things over and over at the meetings. She said that's not true--we are constantly getting new information and new ideas on how to express our beliefs. Well maybe she doesn't listen, but all I hear is the same things over and over. It seems like a broken record.


    The man is a retard..Up till 1971 only 24 people have been killed by terrorists??..If you don`t go to the Kingdom Hall you will lose your tard..If you lose your tard,you have to go back to the Kingdom Hall to get retarded....LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • EvilForce
    EvilForce says:

    The term "terrorism" comes from the French 18th century word terrorisme based on the Latin language verbs terrere (to tremble) and deterrere (to frighten from). It dates to 1795, and originally used to describe the actions of the Jacobins in their rule of post-Revolutionary France, the so-called "Reign of Terror".

    In the 1st century, Zealots conducted a fierce and unrelenting terror campaign against the Roman occupiers of the eastern Mediterranean. The Zealots enlisted sicarii to strike down rich Jewish collaborators and others who were friendly to the Romans.
    In the 11th century, the radical Islamic sect known as the Hash-Ishiim (This word translates directly to the word "Assassin" in the english language) employed systematic murder for a cause they believed to be righteous. For two centuries, they resisted efforts to suppress their religious beliefs and developed ritualized murder into a fine art taught through generations. Political aims were achieved through the power of intimidation. Similarly, the Christian warriors of the Crusades pursued political aims by means of genocidal assaults on Muslim civilian populations.
    During the French Revolution (1789 - 1799), the most severe period of the rule of the Committee of Public Safety (1793 - 1795) was labelled "The Terror" (1793 - 1794) and described Jacobin extensive use of death penalty by guillotine. Some argue that this period is an example of state terrorism. Certainly, it induced fear and outrage not only in the domestic population of France, but also throughout the European aristocracy. This period is the first known use of the term "terrorism".
    By the mid-19th century, Russian intelligentsia grew impatient with the slow pace of Tsarist reforms, and sought instead to transform peasant discontent into open revolution. Anarchists like Mikhail Bakunin maintained that progress was impossible without destruction. Their objective was nothing less than complete destruction of the state. Anything that contributed to this goal was regarded as moral. With the development of sufficiently powerful, stable, and affordable explosives, the gap closed between the firepower of the state and the means available to dissidents. Organized into secret societies like the People's Will, Russian terrorists launched a campaign of terror against the state that climaxed in 1881 when Tsar Alexander II of Russia was assassinated. Also, a revolutionary Irish-American group called the Fenian Brotherhood planted explosive devices around the city of London in particular and the British mainland in general in the mid 1800's, in protest to the British occupation of Ireland. This is often seen as the first act of 'republican Terrorism'.

    So I'd say his 24 bullshite and he needs to evaluate his numbers.

  • lawrence

    Thanks for the meeting recap - sounds like a wonderful discussion of "good news." Who in the hell would want to enjoy the day after that tirade of blues on the Lord's Gospel. No word of Christ - must be due to a bad conscience? C'mon, terrorism has been going on from the get-go. These people are amazing.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Up till 1971 there had only been 24 people killed by terrorists.

    That is such a load of Bull Pukey... Terrorism has been around for as long as there have been tiny outnumbered out armored armies/militia fighting large, well armored armies/militia. It's just gorilla tactics. Nothing really new. Desperate people blowing the living crap out of the civilians of the superior forces country, in an effort to force the superior force to back down or leave.


  • Honesty

    The Kingdumb talks seem to get more and more depressing whilst they move the carrot farther and farther away from the end of the dubs' noses.

  • Elsewhere


    He is SO full of shit. Ask him to provide his sources for this information.

    Insurgencies have existed since the beginning to organized government. What happened is most people forgot about them during the 20th century while everyone was galvinied into two camps: Capitalism vs. Comunism/Facism.

    Why not ask him about the Thugs in India during the 1800's.

    What about the communist insurgency in the Philippine in the 1900's?

    Thailand has experienced the same insurgency problems as the Philippines, which date back to the establishment of the Communist party of Thailand in the 1920s.

    Do a bit of research and you can find many examples.

  • bother_forever

    Print out what evilforce said and place it on the announcements board at the back of the hall. What an absolute load of crap the "truth?" is. As for the sis who thinks all the info is new, maybe she has the memory of a goldfish, about 7 seconds!

  • Netty

    How many millions of jews killed by Hitler? I would call that terrorism.

    Womens LIBBER? You're kidding right? Even so, they get listed with all that horrible stuff? Sounds a little chauvenistic to me.

  • jula71

    At least it's not as bad as the 1914 talks....."before 1914 the entire world was peaceful and lived with their doors unlocked, then it seems overnight it all changed" well...ok, it's just as bad!!!

    You would think they would come up with some new material by now.


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