From Birth to 10 years of age I was a witness because my parents told me to be a witness. It was like school. They made me get up and go in service, they made me go to meetings. They made me study for meetings.
From 10 to 15 I was pretty interested in it. I thought the people were nice and I liked the idea of a loving united world.
From 15 to 19 I was a rebellious kid who wanted to go to college. I hated the Hall, I hated my parents. I hated being a witness.
From 19 to 23 I was totally devoted. Pioneer, bethelite, committed to helping people learn about God and the Bible.
From 23 to 30 I was completely disillusioned but terrified of losing my family and friends. I voiced my opinion from time to time in hushed tones but was quickly rebuked for any "out of line" talk.
At 30 I left and was no longer a witness.