Did Anyone Ever Try To Get The UN Scandal In The News Here In Canada Or The

by Legolas 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Welcome Yvonne.

    Don't mind Grissom he (she?) is in denial.

  • jgnat

    What HAS hit the headlines is parents denying their children a blood transfusion. If you write to your editor, write on that. Or the pedophile problem, also a big issue to Canadians.


    Blood - http://www.religionnewsblog.com/11247

    Child Abuse - http://www.religionnewsblog.com/10387

  • garybuss

    Welcome Yvonne, I can't imagine the UN issue affecting the Witness people I know or my Witness relatives. The whole Witness life is nothing but conflict and contradiction and none of it has affected Witness people I know. My dad was baptized as a Witness member in 1935 and there's just about nothing left of the Witness group of 1935, and he happily continues.
    In my opinion, the generation of 1914 change of 1995 was HUGE! It didn't phase any of the Witnesses I know. The advertisement of the Jehovah's Witness sex offender protection policy in the media like Dateline and 5th Estate shows in North America didn't shake em. The Witness people like my relatives are essentially dishonest people and the dishonesty they live with as a willing part of the organization every day seems normal and acceptable to them.

  • myelaine

    Did Anyone Ever Try To Get The UN Scandal In The News Here In Canada?

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