@R Jerome Harris
I say leave JWs alone. I say leave any person of any religious system or organization alone. Who are we to meddle as if what we personally believe is right and everyone else is wrong? Who are we to meddle because we personally do not like someone else's religion or beliefs? They might not like ours either.
Humble yourselves and let God take care it. Let God take care of ending that which is false.
Let me meddle in your belief system.
Harmful, manipulative and deceiving religions should not be allowed to continue unchecked. Regarding God, he hasn't done s_it to alleviate humans suffering since "creation", not even his son Jesus fixed human affairs. Why should we expect God to start fixing anything, any time in the future. By the way, I like a God that leaves humanity alone. Thank you God for not sending Jesus for the last 2,000 years. Humans, or humanists, have done a much better job at providing fair laws, human rights, freedom, opportunity, than Jesus ever did.