Money $?$?$?

by tattoogrl333 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • tattoogrl333

    How do the JW get money??? Just curious they seem to have an endless supply of literature but they never ask me to pay them for the books. And I never see a collection basket being passed around. So how do they get their money???

    Oh and I went to my first bible study meeting. It was fun they kept it real small and it was interesting. I guess thats the only new thing with me. Oh wait I was set up with a another JW to meet and it was a disaster I guess most brothers want the quiet submissive sister. oops I think my tats scared him. It was funny though.
    I shared my story of when I lived in the ghetto they were in awe. Are all JW really that sheltered??? And virgins I mean really are the men 23 and still virgins is that possible???

  • bboyneko

    Yup, many are virgins. If you wanted to 'corrupt' and deflower men or women this is a great playground. These people are so sexually repressed it's sad.

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Where dont the JWs get money from?? We used to pay for literature when we collected it from the desk, we would accept donations for it out in the field service and put that in the donation box too. Double the money for one piece of literature. When we picked up any books the book servant would gesture at the price list just to remind us of the expense incurred by the congregation.

    We would have constant reminders at the meetings and conventions and assemblies of the need to be generous, things need to be paid for.

    They always say that there is no collection but who cannot miss the donation boxes that are placed in prominent places just waiting for your generous contributions, not just one box either, one for the world wide work, one for the kingdom hall fund, one for the new assembly hall fund, one for the disaster fund, one for the upcoming COs visit (that one used to really irk me....).

    And now they have their 32 page brochure on how to donate, not content with their reminders from the platform and the regular items in the magazines on 'Jehovah Loves a Cheerful Giver', now they have a whole piece of literature devoted to the subject. Retirement funds, loans, gifts, plans, donations of shares and stocks, stamp collections, jewellery, property, they want it all. And as I remember reading once in the WT 'not giving of yourself fully in a financial way is tantamount to robbing God'. Talk about emotional blackmail.

  • nelly136

    both jw sites

    seeings as youre a jw bible study I think you should join up on
    these sites too, that way youre getting a balanced view on things
    from both sides of the fence, am sure they'll be pleased to answer any questions you have too

  • NameWithheld

    If you even begin to attend the thursday night meeting you will hear a LOT about donating, from 'account reports' (a monthly notice that the Kingdom Hall is behind on all it's bills and not enough $$ was given to cover expenses), to special 'announcements' to remind the people to give. No no donation plate is passed around, but the donation boxes are hard to miss at the kingdom hall. Pretty much every thrusday night we had some announcement about $$. Studies are not usually invited to those meetings right off, they start you at the small bookstudy or Sunday 'public talks'.

    Even though they 'give away' the books, the local cong MUST PAY the WTBTS for each month's lituature shipments, usually in a 'donation to the worldwide work' that comes out of the local cong funds. If they fail to pay, they WILL NOT have more books shipped to them. This is VERY hush hush, but all the accounts servants know about it. So in turn the local cong pressures the local JW's to contribute to cover those costs. Sometimes JWs will suggest to people at the door that they may contribute if they'd like to, but most JWs I know are not very comfortable asking for that and just pay for the books themselves. The WTBTS leaves little coded hints in various places as to how much to pay for different things usuing words like "similar CD-ROMS cost as much as $50-300" or "you could mention that similar books sell for $5", etc. This is a way to communicate 'how much' the JWs should contribute for each item without outright setting prices (which would get them into tax trouble, which is the whole reason they stopped charging for books in the first place).

  • bboyneko
    both jw sites

    seeings as youre a jw bible study I think you should join up on
    these sites too, that way youre getting a balanced view on things
    from both sides of the fence, am sure they'll be pleased to answer any questions you have too

    yeah except all their pictures on the chat boards look like this:

  • NameWithheld

    Oh, and as an aside, the last few years I was attending meetings, it used to REALLY irritate me how much they would beg and plead for $$ from the stages. I mean they used to be so proud of the fact that they didn't pass collection plates, and contributions were voluntary, but from the early 90's on it seemed as if there was money talk at every meeting. And now I hear they're installing ATMs in assembly halls and some KH!? Wow. And the whole 'vote to pay this or that expense' crap - I mean WHO in the hell would actually raise their hands to oppose paying the COs expenses? Nobody if you didn't want to be open a can of worms. And then they'd vote to contribute a certain amount the the 'worldwide work' (which was actually a vote to pay for last months books), and they'd break down how much each JW would need to contribute to cover that vote ... how transparent can you get?

  • nelly136

    you been looking too bb?

    check out all the threads on those sites tat
    and I'm sure they'll be pleased to welcome you
    ...might be as well to use a different name on wol
    they get a bit touchy if they see you posting here

  • Billygoat


    I wish I could have been with you to see the man you were set up with! That's awesome! You could really have some fun with this, if you wanted!


  • tattoogrl333

    It was really not that funny I think I scared the poor boy. Really he almost ran out the door.

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