JW fined for going door-to-door

by Defender 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChuckD

    Perhaps this shoud be on every door;

  • Kent

    Yup, I've seen it. As a matter of fact, everyone that do check out the Watchtower Observer did see that one in May. LOL

    Contrary to MD, I do believe this could be a way to do some good. Clogging up de judicial system isn't a good thing in itself - but if the JWs get a smack all the time - it's worth the effort!

    I actually do believe anyone that has told them to get lost - and the morons don't respect it - sue theire fat asses out of their trousers! Besides that, it makes good press!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • MadApostate


    Its interesting that your concern for the US judicial system is higher on your personal list of priorities than doing whatever one can to bring down THE CULT.

  • MadApostate


    I missed your "window washer" crack. I don't do janitoral work, but I do do something that is probably as "menial" in your eyes. I find your remark insulting for all xjws who either failed to get a higher education because of the Borg's teachings, or those like myself who gave up careers due to such.

    By the way, one of my relatives attends a cong where there is a JW window washer who's business has grown to the point that he is known to be a millionaire.

  • Hmmm


    Well, at least one other person here recognizes the significance of this newspaper article.

    This topic hasn't been up very long, and hasn't been read or posted to all that much, so to imply that EVERYBODY except you and one or two others is too stupid to recognize its significance is a bit off-putting. You're obviously free to post in any way that you wish, and I'm not trying to correct you. I'm just trying to let you know, in case you didn't realize it, that it has a bit of a superior tone to it that is going to rile some people up (MD) and generate hostility. A bit of encouragement for people to jump on this bandwagon might be more effective than berating everyone for missing the boat. Again, just my opinion, and an honest attempt to let you know how some might be perceiving your post. Of course, if you're just living up to your "Mad"Apostate persona, then by all means, feel free....

    It would only take a dozen or so homeowners nationwide to follow through before the entire JW community would be leary about knocking on doors, wondering if their elders had properly marked the "don't-calls" on their territory cards.
    I think it would take much more than that. I also think it wouldn't take long before elders just learned to be a bit more careful about noting DNCs, and R&F were more careful about asking for the list.

    I think that if one or two large urban churches could be persuaded to have its members do this, it would eventually get media attention, and then other churches would follow suit, with it snowballing all over the country.
    You think that local misdemeanor trespassing charges would garner more media attention than, say..... child molestation?

    With the number of possible calls shrinking, JWs would be forced to call more often at homes of those who haven't filed Notice, which would eventually piss off those people until they too filed Notice.
    Did you know that it is against the law for telemarketers to call you if you've specifically asked to be placed on their DNC list? I work for a company that employs some telemarketers, and we get popped every few months. It's a pretty cut-and-dried case, and the company just pays the $500 fine and tells their people to be more careful. I've told my family and friends that this isn't a bad way to supplement their income. Every time a telemarketer calls, specifically say "please put me on your Do Not Call list." (Every cold-calling company has to keep one.) Keep track of which companies you give this notice to (a simple notepad, or access database will do) and you can probably catch two or three a year that didn't keep very good records and called you back. Not gonna make you rich, but maybe worth the hour per year you spend making the entries. Also, not gonna put any companies out of business--won't put JWs out of business, either.

    Will this Board do anything with this? NO!!! Most people here just like to listen to themselves talk and massage each others ego. Heaven forbid that they would actually have to lift a finger and do something. No, lets sit around and discuss how much smarter we are than Federal Court Judges, and how we know more about the US Constitution than they do. (I'm sure Federal Court Judges monitor this DB to pick up legal pointers they missed at Yale and Harvard, and during all their years of practicing law.)
    OK I can appreciate your sarcasm, and I tend to be at least as sarcastic as the next guy. But again, it's probably better to save the sarcasm for after a more reasoned, less offensive, appeal has been made and ignored. I'm in no way trying to dictate to you how you should post, just a little friendly advice.

    And this Legal Strategy is certainly not as "novel" as the pedo strategy. I mean come on, I stopped reading newspaper articles and watching Television news stories about "pedo priests" years ago. The media wore that one out years ago! Combine that with the public's "could care less about JWs so long as they aren't bothering me" attitude, and you have the perfect formula for a BIG LEAD BALLOON!!!
    I wouldn't call the "pedo" issue a "strategy." Sure, some would like to bring down the bOrg, and will use any issue to that end. But I think far more want to pound the pedophilia issue because of the damage it causes to innocent children. It's far more than a strategy to cause the WT discomfort. Many people have stated that this issue is the chief--maybe ONLY--reason they left the organization. Maybe the reason you (and I) stopped reading articles about pedo priests is because we're not Catholics. People who aren't JWs, and have no intention of ever becoming JWs might ignore this story as just another "pedo priest" bruhaha. But those in the organization or interested in it, and those with family members--especially those with children--will surely perk up when they hear that the organization that sets itself up as more moral than any other has the same problems--maybe to a larger extent!

    I hope I'm wrong, because I'm in favor of any idea that shows the Borg's flaws, and the work on this issue evidently has already been done. Soooooo, let's move on to something else.
    Surely you would agree with most, who say that the damaging and DEADLY doctrinal issues, like blood and molestation, are more important than the relatively minor irritation of being bothered on a Saturday morning.

    I have nothing against your campaign. If I were publically out of the religion and ever home, I'd be tempted to follow the legalities just to cause them a bit of a headache... then again, I kinda look forward to "showing interest" and asking them some "heartfelt" questions. You never know what seeds you might be planting.

    With so many worthwhile things that we can fight about (like SQL vs Oracle, in the Question For Simon thread) I'd hate to see this needlessly degenerate into an argument.


    PS I didn't miss MommieDark's "'window washer' crack." However, I don't think she meant any offense toward people in service-industry-related jobs. It seemed to me to be a jab at The Society for strongly discouraging members from seeking higher education, and thus, higher-paying jobs. I have a genius-level IQ, but I spent 10 years of my life in a similar job--living check-to-check--because I was being a good JW and eschewed a full scholarship to college so I could Pioneer. It was honest work, I was good at it, and I'm not ashamed of it, but since leaving the bOrg, I work in the Information Technology field and make almost three times what I used to make.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I don't see how clogging our local judiciary with a lot of bullshit claims against r&f peons who can't afford to pay the fines is going to bring THE CULT to its knees! The Society won't pay the fines, the individual Jdubs will. I have no beef with individual r&f delusional cultists. I'm perfectly willing to set their ears burning if they are silly enough to beard me in my den. I think you're a moron for insisting that harrassing individual cultists in court is somehow a better strategy than offering factual evidence to the widest possible audience. It may make you feel good to bully somebody in court (you seem to love doing that here!) but it won't accomplish diddlysquat in terms of educating the public or bringing the Tower to accoutability for its actions. I'm not concerned with the US judicial system I'm concerned with the waste of LOCAL time & resources that should be spent on actual CRIME you fucking nitwit! Or did you think all your trespassing cases were going to be tried in Federal courts?

    You find my remarks insulting because you are incapable of reading for context. My remark about windowwashers said nothing about exJWs so your response was just stupid. Most Jdubs do work at menial jobs thanks to the Society's policies; thus the r&f dubs you're so hot to prosecute will bear the brunt of your idiot rage. All you would accomplish is to make them feel persecuted; that would be reinforcing their cultic notions now wouldn't it?

    BTW If you're unhappy with your menial job, quit whinging at me and go get some training for a better job. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, but apparently you were trying for some sympathy so I thought I'd give you a clue instead.

  • MadApostate


    I see that you are the same quality lady as Tina in liking to use the Fword.

    Well, you are an F-ing idiot if you think the pedo issue being covered on a single Dateline show is going to make any drastic impact on the Borg. Yes, it will help, but it's like one punch in a 12 round boxing match.

    My point in this thread is now that the pedo issue is moving along on its own, it would only be smart to begin another strategy, so after the pedo issue cools, there is something else on the burner.

    You obviously aren't smart enough to understand that the 2 issues can be worked at the same time.

    Well, forget it! Who cares. When the pedo issue only delivers about 25% of the punch that you are anticipating, and you are standing around scratching your ass wondering how to keep up the momentum, remember that I suggested something that could have already been underway!

  • MadApostate

    I'll not let this good idea disappear so quickly.

    When the pedophile issue/strategy is a distant memory to everyone except the people who devoted 2 years to a "glancing blow", and there's no "encore" in sight, I'll come back and remind everyone!!!

  • waiting

    Hello MA,

    And this Legal Strategy is certainly not as "novel" as the pedo strategy. I mean come on, I stopped reading newspaper articles and watching Television news stories about "pedo priests" years ago. The media wore that one out years ago! Combine that with the public's "could care less about JWs so long as they aren't bothering me" attitude, and you have the perfect formula for a BIG LEAD BALLOON!!!

    I'm going to assume that you're not 25% plus of the population which has been abused as a child - or a family member of one of those victims. If you were, as I am, both a victim, and mother of a victim, and daughter of an abuser, and sister of another abuser - you'd be interested in pretty much any show which speaks about child abusers. It's just something of interest. And I bet it's interesting for the millions of other victims/survivors also. Plus police, therepists, teachers, doctors, friends, etc., any who have anything to do with children and/or abusers.

    I believe this show will be interesting because it's about current child molesters being protected within a religious organization. I think you're right that very few people will care it's about jw's - except jw's.

    And, to be noted of further interest, any of these non-jw persons who get a local jdub knocking at their door - might want to ask the jdub to explain the jw child molester policy to them. Might even ask if that particular jdub is a child molester.

    Hopefully the jw will squirm because the jdub will probably say "well, I didn't watch that show...."

    and the householder might look shocked and say "You didn't watch a publicized news show about a horrible crime in your own church?"

    and the jdub might be dumb enough to say....."We've been instructed to not read or watch anything negative about JW's. Jehovah's people are being persecuted."

    Either way, whether the jdub saw/didn't see the program - squirming will ensue.

    Dateline was never billed as the End All Addressed Issue. But it's publicity, doesn't hurt the local jdubs, and just might help a kid or thousand.

    Btw, you've approached this thread like your thread on asking information about conventions talks. If enough don't answer you, we've got a problem. Not necessarily so........we just might have other things to do, here or in our daily lives.


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