DRAMA SUMMARY: 2005 District Convention - Pursue Goals That Honor God
by ithinkisee 35 Replies latest jw friends
on the "hurl worthy" scale from 1-5 that one is a definite
umm...this is kind of an old thread. Is there some relation to the 2008 convention???
My father was "Lot" in the drama "Jehovah's judgements against a law defying people" (Noah / Lot : from "Divine Justice" District Convention, 1988) held at the New Haven Coliseum in Connecticut. I remember thinking it was so exciting and cool (was just shy of 10 years old)...it was one of the few "good" experiences I had growing up. Reading what these dramas actually SAY, though, certainly puts things into perspective!
I came across this Drama on Internet Archive:
I'm having problems getting it to play. If I click on the image in the center I see a picture but the sound is garbled. I downloaded the Quick Time version, but it doesn't want to play. Does this work for others?
What a joke this made up drama was! Off course its all "bible based"!