Whilst not wishing to divert from the discussion about copyright, I want to heartily thank Wifibandit for his work in putting this up . It is great to have the inside info. I am not surprised that they wanted to pull it because it does not show them in a good light.
The whole thing made me think of a Corporation outlining its' strategy for expansion..think ,say Asda (Walmart in the USA) describing the plan for new supermarkets. The r & f publishers are little more than the customers who will go there out of brand loyalty . The elders are similar to the store managers who will run the places for the firm.
Did you get the bit about being "willing to accept change"? and how elders must not say that it used to be better beforehand......That could be a line from the useless training courses that my old employers used to run - and we always knew that something bad was going to be introduced.
I would ask "Why do the buildings have to be so pig-ugly?".....These boxy structures add nothing to the locality . There are sites around here where I could foresee Councils demanding changes to make them blend in better . I guess they are designed to be built to a price
Thanks again, even if the vid is taken down..we have seen it now