Why are wts cd-roms such a hot item on ebay? What is the most you have ever seen one sell for?
by gringojj 22 Replies latest jw friends
wow are they?
just order then in the cong. don't pay. Sell on e-bay. Fill in the field service report with lots of book (count all bokos that are on it)
everybody happy
I saw on e sell for $30. But I think so many are selling them now that the market price has come down to $5-$10.
They are only supposed to be for baptised Witnesses!
Why buy......
there's enough people out there offering them up online if you know where to look
I might know someone who might have an uncle who might have a brother who might know a guy who once met someone who knows someone else who might have a copy that can be downloaded.
Let me know and I'll see if I might be able to track this person down.
No I have one i was just surprised to see how much they sell for on ebay. Maybe I will sell mine.
Darth Yhwh
DanneyBloem, thats a pretty good way to look at it there! Imagine how quickly you'd climb the ranks of your congregation. A fine upstanding Witnees you are. LOL
Hell, I don't want to ebay it...
But I got one Ill sell to anyone on here who wants it!!
10 bucks!
Hey Rich', is it the 2004 version?