regarding the recent Gilead Class note posts..

by candidlynuts 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    are these notes being passed on from someone who's attending TO apostates on purpose?

    have apostates infiltrated that deeply?

    it'd be a coup for sure!

    (i've read two entries..are there more?)

  • jeanniebeanz

    *hears James Bond theme music*

    I've been enjoying the posts too...


  • candidlynuts

    me too.. i'm still offended that they'd call my relatives that are still giving their all to the org, BAAL worshipers!

    never enough.. thats one of the reasons i became inactive. i just couldnt DO enough no matter what i did.

    and i hate seeing my family bust their butts to do w hat they can and they not see how little its appreciated.

  • jeanniebeanz

    I know what you mean, Candid. They have my family too. If only they would open their eyes and leave those abusers...

  • sir82

    Goodness no, the author of those snippets is as thoroughly indocrinated as possible.

    He sends these e-mails, very long ones, to friends & family in an effort to upbuild & happify them. The original e-mails are quite long & rather boring, filled with condensations of points learned in their class.

    One of his contacts then forwards the e-mail to a bunch of other people, including me. I then skim thru the e-mail, weeding out stuff that is the same as a typical WT article, and just look for "interesting" points. I find these points particularly interesting because the instructors at Gilead are Bethel "heavies", including GB members, and their comments reflect the current thinking of the leadership. Many of these points you will never see in print (imagine trying to place a Watchtower that promises that Armageddon survivors will get the pick of the "physical spoils" of deceased persons from that battle).

    None of these folks have any idea that I post here.

    Sorry, no such deep apostate penetration.

  • greendawn

    It's the nature of the WTS to be impossible to please, and give some praise to its members for all their hard work because they don't have a real christian spirit that would drive them to honour their "brothers"

  • sir82
  • candidlynuts

    thanks for those links! i had missed some of them.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I have to say after the fact, that there was some "deep apostate penetration..." right up their @$$! I truly hope they never saw my defection coming....

  • DaCheech

    Jw's will have the "pick" huh?

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