The programming director for PBS has asked for the removal from the KNOCKING web site of language indicating the program will be aired on PBS.
This does not mean the program will never be aired on PBS. Rather, the request is made because of feedback from viewers like us. Concerns have been raised, and now is the time to let your voice be heard; again if necessary.
The next step for the KNOCKING program is for the International Television Services (ITVS) to review the program's material and presentation. Only after this would PBS make any reviews for potential airing. Hence, stakeholders (all of us!) should write our concerns to the Director or Communications for ITVS, Mr. Jim Sommers. His email is [email protected]. Or, you can give him a call at 415-356-8383 extension x242. Or you can send a hardcopy letter by snailmail addressed to 501 York Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.
In addition, it is advised to write letters to PBS addressed to the two executives responsible for programming. These are:
John F. Wilson
Senior Vice President & Co-Chief Program Executive
Jacoba Atlas
Senior Vice President & Co-Chief Program Executive
You can email these individuals at [email protected]. If you address your emails to those names above they will be forwarded accordingly.
Marvin Shilmer
by Marvin Shilmer 36 Replies latest jw friends
Marvin Shilmer
Rather, the request is made because of feedback from viewers like us. Concerns have been raised, and now is the time to let your voice be heard; again if necessary.
YES !!! this just shows we can make a difference
The next step for the KNOCKING program is for the International Television Services (ITVS) to review the program's material and presentation. Only after this would PBS make any reviews for potential airing. Hence, stakeholders (all of us!) should write our concerns to the Director or Communications for ITVS, Mr. Jim Sommers. His email is [email protected]. Or, you can give him a call at 415-356-8383 extension x242. Or you can send a hardcopy letter by snailmail addressed to 501 York Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Thanks Marvin,
I am wondering what aspect we should stress. What is he looking for? Is it accuracy, evenhanded approach, or saleability. Just not sure of the best way to appeal to him. Please give clues.
Thank goodness they are reconsidering airing this. I would hate for people to view the Jehovah's Witnesses as a safe religion, when in fact they do so much damage.
You know, I already posted this update and no one payed attention.
It's in one of the threads.
AK - Jeff
I hate to be completely ignorant here; but what program is being talked about here and why do we want in on PBS?
Just out of the loop on this.
Is the KNOCKING website a pro-witness site or what.
Thanx for helping to dispel my ignorance here.
Marvin Shilmer
Hello, yesidid
You write:
“I am wondering what aspect we should stress. What is he looking for? Is it accuracy, evenhanded approach, or saleability. Just not sure of the best way to appeal to him. Please give clues.”
There are several points of address.
As advertised, KNOCKING is emphasizing how JWs have won legal victories that protect civil liberties and free choice for all Americans. The problem with this depiction is that it is not true of “all Americans.” If an American JW were to voice legitimate and valid objections to a teaching of the WTS they would not receive among JWs the same civil liberty to voice themselves as the WTS has fought for and won for the general public. The fault in the presentation by the producers of KNOCKING is in assuming that the actions and objectives of the corporate WTS are in the best and civil interests of the population of JWs rather than in the best interest of the corporate WTS. The producers of KNOCKING have assumed something that is not the case. The WTS takes matters to court for its own interests and not necessarily for the interests of JWs.
Another problem with the program is that it makes false statements. For instance, it states that JWs refuse blood transfusions when that is not always the case. The fact is that since the October 15, 2000 issue of The Watchtower there is a narrow range of blood transfusions that the WTS condones for JWs. That narrow range is of transfusing autologous blood when it is part of what the WTS ambiguously calls a “current therapy.” Documentaries that present false and/or misleading information are frowned upon in ethical journalistic circles. This is all the more the case when the producers have been forewarned.
Another problem is that the program depicts itself as showing the up and downs in the life of Jehovah’s Witnesses when that is not the case at all. For example, one of the subjects addressed is the WTS’ blood doctrine. The KNOCKING program uses the instance of a JW having liver surgery to illustrate JWs supposed refusal of blood. Yet this example fails to illustrate the actual dilemma facing JWs regarding blood because in this case the JW patient is accepting a medical procedure that is more advanced rather than an inferior treatment. To honestly illustrate their objective the KNOCKING producers would have to document a family of JWs where an innocent and unsuspecting child died prematurely due to the JW parents refusing some blood product forbidden by the WTS under pain of shunning. Since the KNOCKING program does not do this then this aspect of the program is a farce. It is nothing less than wholesale WTS propaganda!
Frankly, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the WTS were not directly or indirectly supplying funds to this program. This is one thing I would ask disclosure of for the record.
Marvin Shilmer
Marvin Shilmer
Lest I forget:
The International Television Services (ITVS) has a web address to submit comments on the program KNOCKING. These comments are restricted to 200 words, but they will be posted online and linked to the program’s advertisement. The web link is:
In addition to sending correspondence to individuals names above, I also recommend posting some well-honed comments at the address above.
I submitted my own comments (2 separate entries of 200 words each) earlier today. The web site informs these comments usually take about 24 hours to show up online.
Marvin Shilmer
I will be writing (again)! Imagine the voice we could have if everyone would take just a few moments to write to various people on the many different issues. Sen. Latch for instance, the local newspapers, the big news shows, heck, even Oprah and her book of the month club. In talking to a neighbor tonight it is very clear the public is woefully misinformed about jw and the many issues involved. Please, Please make your voices heard. As only one person, and not a jw at that, your voices have so much more weight than mine. Yet, I still tell people, I still go delivering anti witness material. I ask, if it is not too painful for you, make yourself heard. Your letters need not be novels, short and to the point is what is usally read anyway. on a soapbox tonight, sorry, carla (oh, I know why, it's Tues. meeting night! hope you will understand)