My wife and I went out to a Mexican restaurant the other night... and the place was packed...with tons of people waiting, which was a little unusual. As we're waiting we notice everyone seems overdressed... then we saw them...THE NAME TAGS... It was the Dist. Conv.. (Loveland) OMG...theyre all Witnesses I exclaimed... How wierd to be on the outside looking in...IT FELT GREAT. We watched intently that NO ONE was "happy"...they looked dog tired and ready for about 4 margarita's each... which when we got in and seated was EXACTLY what they were all doing...drinking HEAVILY. My kids even remarked how much better off we are OUT of that "org." I was SOO HAPPY to be able to stand tall with my family and watch all the PW's little Dub "heads" with their bitchy wives pushing them around...even saw the token JW kidd gettin the crap beat out of him... What I wouldn't have given to have had a t-shirt that said: 607BCE? and The UN? THAT would have been priceless... Or perhaps: Pedophiles need love too...ask any JW... Next year I'll be ready! u/d (of the loves being OUT sooo much class)
OMG... they're ALL Witnesses...
by upside/down 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
upside/down, I don't see nothing. edited to read: Oh, I see it now. Was the "token JW kidd" named "Token" by any chance. T_C of the I'm-going-to-watch-South-Park-tonight-in-which-there-is-a-character-named-Token class.
horrible life
I understand.... It's so understated. So non-visual. It's the decline of the Witnesses. Soon, nothing will be there. But a blank page, for all of history to see. The JWD will be commended for their work.
Thanks for bringing it all to us U/D
So when I go to the dc this weekend when going out after I should order a nice cold beer.
Yes I will.
horrible life
U/D sorry the-classicist and I did not see anything at first on your post. Then is appeared. I guess you can tell we are hanging on your every post and word. But the blank page fit under the Topic. HL
Funny thing was...the more they drank the happier they seemed to get.
Maybe it's not so funny...
u/d (of the wine makes the heart of mortal
JW'sman rejoice class) -
you mean you wasn't wearing your "apostate lapel card" for all to see? What a place to be in at that time, lol, expect the tips were well down that night also. They need the alcohol to stiffen the resolve for another day of of repetitive brain washing.
Im suprised you did not fall over yourself in appreciation for their 'good manners' and 'smart attire'- did they not give you a 'good witness'?? LOL
Id be happy as long as a keen pioneer, behind on his/her hours, didnt start talking to me.
even saw the token JW kidd gettin the crap beat out of him...
In public?
Did you not say anything? A person beating their kid in public, geez, I would prolly whip out the ole cell phone and call 911.
Did you not overhear them saying anything interesting about the GB, any new light, the hope of a soon to be paradise, and above all anything on the apostates?
The poor robots need a bit of wine to forget the burdens the FDS puts on their shoulders.