I am slowly ramping up the wheels of apostacy and have begun telling a few people to help brace the fallout of me telling my wife. I have many relatives that aren't JWs - both on my side and on my wife's side. I've already told my dad (who was never a JW - to which I am eternally grateful), and some nonJW business people that I am also friends with.
My wife's brother was never a JW. Their stepdad was a NAZI Elder to the Nth-degree and her brother grew up with a bitter resentment, anger, and hatred - even a rage that has only died down in recent years. (he is in his late-20s) He was never baptized, and all the JW family - including my wife - rationalize that his bitterness is really towards the overbearing stepfather - not the Org. (although both work in the same heavy-handed way)
He recently got married to a meek and sweet girl. We all went to the wedding. Problem is - as you know JWs are - all of the JW side is using every opportunity to "witness" to them. Yes, it is lovebombing in the purest form. They always talk about how he and his wife are always asking "bible questions" and how they think they can get to him through his new wife.
Well, it turns out him and his wife go home after a night of pseudo-subtle "witnessing" and just laugh about the ridiculousness. How do I know? I asked him today about it - and then told him I was leaving the JWs.
He was completely blown away - he said he will completely support my decision and would even put me up in his house if things got bad. Imagine that! It would be interesting to see how quickly the lovebombing would die after that and the hypocritical awkwardness that would ensue - not to mention the reasoning they would have to try to put across to him after something like that - that they can't talk to me or something.
I ended by telling him my main purpose for telling him was that I wanted him to be prepared for a response when word gets back to him. I wanted him to know WHY I was leaving the JWs, and that it was not only for me but the long-term well-being of my wife and kids. They deserve to hear the unbiased truth about JWs. Also that it wasn't because I wanted to go screw tons of chicks or delusions of being famous or something - but that I just don't want to be a hypocrite.
Anyhoo ... just thought I would share.