I have never known a moment when I did not exit and never shall
I find myself existing now.
I find it is always now
I am as immortal as it will ever matter to me.
by PopeOfEruke 42 Replies latest jw experiences
I have never known a moment when I did not exit and never shall
I find myself existing now.
I find it is always now
I am as immortal as it will ever matter to me.
It would be nice if reincarnation was true. LOL I need lots of practice.
This would be okay if we get to choose what we look like, who our parents are, how much wealth we will have and health. Oh yeah and who we are with. Andy and I know each other so well, we are so connected (from the instant we met) that he calls us soul mates. I wonder sometimes about reincarnation for many reasons. Being connected with Andy like I am, this makes me wonder, too. We both have the same freckle on our right bicep and I often wonder if it's something we were supposed to look for to show us for certain that we have always traveled this earth together. You know, a sort of sign we needed to find in this vast sea of human beings. Knowing how we met makes, well that makes me wonder, too. The thing is, coming here and living horrible lives over and over, with no control over where or who you are born to, that's a complete drag. Imagine finding yourself and children in Nazi Germany/WWII Europe and being Jewish. My life is not that bad by a long shot, but I've had plenty of turmoil and misfortune. If I list all that I have been through, people make comments like, "Wow, you've had some hard knocks," or similar comments. I am grateful for the blessings I've had. I've learned from the turmoil. Honestly though, how many times does one have to come here and suffer to get the facts? "Just the facts, ma'am." If I'm coming back next time, I think I shall be awesome due to the lessons I've learned this one.
*** pe chap. 1 p. 15 Living Forever Not Just a Dream ***
What a joy it is to know that we can live forever—that it is not just a dream!
Do you mean to tell me that is not true? Doh !!
Seriously , I want to chose my own exit. Nothing more sad than the old people who have had enough of life and sit around, pumped by drugs , just waiting to die