Fun with Shunners ;)

by damselfly 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    A warm smile, direct eye contact, and a firm handshake are the best defence. Our feelings follow the body, and you won't be able to help feeling warm and materna/paternal for the poor shunner. They, on the other hand, will be raging against all friendlies to respond in kind.

    Let them squirm.

  • JAVA

    Damselfly -- great post! There is no need to play the Tower's shunning game. By not following their rules, it shows how curel and stupid the whole thing is. It's good for each and every JW to feel as much discomfort as possible when playing the Tower's game of treating others as less than human. Maybe it will help open a few JW eyes. If not, at least the brain dead will know what you think of shunning. Let it control them, and not you! Way to go, Damselfly.

  • Ms. Whip
    Ms. Whip
    Anyway I think it is very good not to shun yourself if you are df-ed. -DannyBloem

    me too danny. i hate it when i ignore myself.

  • damselfly

    Java ~ That is exactly why I do it! Why should I play into their idea of what an ex-JW should do/look/act like? By being truly happy and friendly when I met them I hope that some will question why I am not a quivering mess on the floor and realize that there is life outside the KH.


    (the flirt with her man game is just for personal fun though...........ssshhhh don't tell!!!)

  • GetBusyLiving

    I love evil apostate woman.. *swoons*


  • damselfly

    Hey!!! I am not evil!!!

    I prefer the label "fun-loving" thank you very much

    Damselfly..... wondering if real men 'swoon'?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I love the way people posting here handle shunning. It's their game not yours so why play by their rules. Their rules belong in the KH and they have no business expecting people who aren't part of their religion to play by them.

  • feelinglost

    This gives me a whole new perspective the next time I run into a jw. The last one I saw was the one my mother was so nice to send to my new house (where I thought I would never be found)- my mom got a piece of my mind for that one. But I couldn't be mean to the one who she sent, b/c he had always been nice to me, and was gone from our cong before i was df'd.

    If I had a partner in crime, it would be fun to go to a DC during lunch, and put some of your suggestions to use.

    Damselfly- I think we could have a whole lot of fun together.

  • damselfly

    Feeling lost ~ If you are ever in Nova Scotia you are welcome to come play with me anytime. ~ Damselfly

  • JAVA

    I've posted this a few times before, but this "Fun with Shunners" thread makes me want to share it with others who have not seen it:

    When I see JWs doing their door-to-door thing, I join in (no kidding). I go up to the group and say, "How's it going? Are you doing door-to-door work or return visits?" These folks don't know me because I've been out for many years. During the they don't know what to say next phase, I say, "I'll start at the next house and tell the householder that I'm shunned by Jehovah's Witnesses because of voting. You can follow up showing them from the Bible why you do that."

    I've done this 3 times, and it's great fun watching them pile back into the car and leaving the territory. One guy said I was interfering with their ministry. I told him this was my ministry, too, and I wouldn't dream of trying to stop them. Same results; back into the car and out of the territory. :)

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