JW kids who are currently in college LOVED the convention drama!

by urbanized 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • urbanized

    Here's a transcript of a post about the 2005 Godly Obedience convention (which I read about on this board and seemed to highlight a drama in which a biblical story was highly distorted in order to discourage higher education) from a JW youth group on www.myspace.com

    Posted: Jul 5, 2005 6:43 PM

    Hey Everyone! My convention was this past weekend, and i just wanted to let you all know it was GREAT.. SOOOOO encouraging!!!! The drama was excellent too, it was about timothy... i wont get into new releases, i want that to be a surprise!!! Agape to all! :-)

    Posted: Jul 5, 2005 10:40 PM

    whats up Courtney? where ya been?

    yeah it was awesome!

    Posted: Jul 6, 2005 2:53 AM

    Mine was great too. I took some memorable pics and I started the new book.

    Posted: Jul 11, 2005 11:17 AM

    I just got back from mine. It was awesome. All the talks were very encouraging. I met some new people and it really helped me realize that I should be doing all I can to please Jehovah God. I mean, I thought I was already doing fine spiritually, but this convention really opened my eyes and made me realize that I can still be doing a lot more. The DRAMA was spectacular. It made me cry. lol. And I'm surely going to be .... okay ... I'm not going to give anything else away.


    Agape to all.

    Posted: Jul 12, 2005 7:56 AM

    yeah i had my convention in june but it was definately unbelievable. the talks were so good, the drama was inspirational and also in my convention an 88 yr old man got baptized. that was very touching.

    Posted: Jul 12, 2005 4:26 PM

    I felt like I knew everyone at mine. The shy feeling I used to get is no longer there because of the brotherly love I see during the conventions.


    I just want to point out that when you go to these posters' profiles, you notice that in addition to listing things like "Hangin w/my J-Dub crew" or "learning about Jehovah's awesome creations" or "bein no part of this world for shizzle" under their general interests, they're also IN COLLEGE.

    My selfless hat is off to these poor kids, trapped into this cult because of their parents, simply paying lip service to good snooze of the kingdom, or caught somewhere between piety and confusion, or something. I wonder if they even know what it was like to be a young Jehovah's Witness at ANY OTHER TIME IN HISTORY, when it was really unheard of for even the brightest young student to go to college, even community college. Selfishly, I think that maybe they are those lucky slacker JW's whose parents don't really pay attention to anything they do and get whatever they want. I want to send them all messages with a headline: DON'T YOU KNOW THAT YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION WON'T GET YOU INTO GOD'S KINGDOM?!? LOVE, APOSTATEA. I want to ask them if they can imagine what it feels like to be asked at 29 by an 18 year old why you're graduating at such an old age.

    I don't know. So does anybody have a take on this?

    One of these kids even has a profile picture where he is kissing a beer bottle.

  • ithinkisee

    Many many people (including my wife) didn't see it as an "anti-school" drama. Instead, they saw it more as a "think about your reasons for schooling" drama.


  • ithinkisee

    OH ... and where is this particular MySpace account? I have a musician profile there myself and would love to infiltrate.


  • urbanized

    There are lots of JW groups, and this one is specifically for "young JW's": http://groups.myspace.com/youngandfunJehovahwitnesses heh

  • potleg

    The trouble with testimonials like these is the one sided picture they can paint, how many young ones had negative opinions? I think the slowdown in JW growth and the falling away of a whole younger generation throws light on the real situation.

  • RichieRich


    Thats me...

    I should join the dub group... lol!

  • luna2

    I have such a hard time reading all the gushing commentary. I keep wondering how many of these people have compartimentalized themselves. One compartment for doing all the stuff that "normal" (non dub) kids do and one compartment for their JW life.

    That is one thing about Jehovah's Witnesses, they do know their script and how to act it.

  • Huxley

    I had a few young pals as a JW yewwth that would say crap like, "Wasn't that talk AWESOME?" or "That new release is SO COOL!" No, The Velvet Undergroud is "cool", the new release is just rehashed pablum.

    They reminded me (while I was still active mind you) of uber-zealous jesus freak kids. "The Lord is radical man..." etc.



  • littlerockguy

    How many of these on the testimonials have supportive parents in the truth to back them up in pursuing "spiritual goals" and work for a family owned business or parents support them by letting them live with them? I doubt they have ones fresh out of high school with "unbelieving parents" and unsupportive and no way to make a good living up there saying I am going to skip college and pioneer and just get by. If they are, I will give them maybe a year and then they will be here.

  • Valis

    What lying little snots...

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