Well I obviously NEVER questioned the God of the OT when I was in the faith. When I came out I was like all over the place trying to figure out if God was one God made up of three or as the JWs' actually believe only one almighty God, with a son Jesus who was also A god (a little god) so they believed in two.....
I then went through the whole discovery of GOD IS LOVE & what that meant and I start putting together my own little puzzle, whether or not it be true is another thing but for me it makes sense. There was the Jehovah God of the OT - A distant God, pretty much a warrior God, but still considered himself compassionate, but he realised that people could not relate to him, so he came down as Jesus, in human form so that we could get to know this side of him.
Since the New did away with the old I now accept a God of love in the form of Jesus (he has many names but we'll call him by Jesus)
Then disaster struck and my faith in God was put to the test because why would this God of love allow such horrors to go on. I was very wobbley here, I'm still struggling with this but have made my mind up that God exists & I have lots to learn about him. I actually don't care if he is one god made of three, a two headed god, the thing is HE is God & a God of Love. Yet that doesn't mean he'll snap his fingers and do away with evil. There will always be evil as long as men have free will, some people just prefer to bad things....that is not Gods fault.
okay I could write pages and pages on this.
Over and Out
(From the "I choose to believe in a Loving God" class)