What do you think the main guilt trips are in the jws?

by misguided 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Misguided there is absolutely no problem I am pleased in fact.

    I think the major guilt trips are the story of Uzziah ie hot divine disapproval for trying to run ahead of the FDS which FDS is of course the GB and not all the annointed as they like to say, becoming guilty of the blood of those who you refuse to approach in the name of the WTS with the warnings about the end, and the heavy sounding accusation of bringing reproach to the name of the most high god jehovah through loose conduct.

  • blondie

    F EAR


    G UILT

    Fear of dying at Armageddon--never sure you are safe with God

    Obligation--being told you are never doing enough

    Guilt--being reminded that you are a good for nothing slave only doing what you ought (a distortion of that scripture)

  • Momofmany
    The other guilt was I was still programmed to not "bring reproach on Jehover's Name"... this is the only reason I chose not to kill myself. Sadly ironic.

    I'm sorry you were that depressed, but I am glad you are here now.

  • damselfly

    definitely the "you will die" if you leave the organization. Reproach on God's name is a biggie too, afterall who wants God mad at you?

    ((((((Elsewhere))))))) I went thru the same thing. It's sad that the hold on ones pysche is so strong that suicide is seriously considered our only out in our darkest moments.


  • misguided

    Why would you

    • forsake the privilege of serving Jehovah? (because it doesn't feel like a privilege to me)
    • give up on the hope of everlasting life? (because I really don't want to live forever, and since I can't seem to live up to your rules, I feel like I don't deserve any reward anyway)
    • hurt those who love you? (I really don't, but I can't think of any other way to escape the mental anguish I feel)
    • risk being bloodguilty and sentence your children to destruction? (If that's what a loving god would do)
    • make a stand for Satan's side of the sovereignty issue (If that's what I'm doing, that's what I'm doing, obviously my heart condition's not good enough to measure up - I mean, that is what you are telling me, right?)
    • turn your back on a god who loves you (I feel I'm turning my back on a multimillion $ publishing company, not God)
    • turn your back on Jehovah's loving organizational arrangement (I don't see it as being loving, I see a lot of people hurt from it. This "loving" organization didn't protect me from sexual preditors; rather told me to be obedient to the shepherds, which I did, blindly, naively, stupidly, and this made me a prime candide for their abuse. If you were just able to acknowlege my pain, or appologize for the lack of care, I might be able to "wait on Jehovah." But you seem incapable of that. Too proud? Too arrogant? You'd rather ignore it than even try to quietly find a way to comfort me? I find my pain too great. I find myself feeling crazy, disbelieved, like you think it's my fault. Jehovah either really doesn't care for me, or maybe I'm just to wicked for him to care about. I can't make this feeling go away. It's driving me crazy. I want to die, get it over with, pay the price of my sins. I can't go on, but I've got to. You're not helping me, rather you're telling me to do more, study more, pray more. I'm dying inside. I'm doing what you're saying but it's not working. I've got kids to raise, but I feel like I can't do anything right. "Worldy" people are telling me I'm doing a great job, in spite of all the bad choices I've made thinking they were the "right" choices. I'm giving up, and I think you may be happy about this, for now I'm not going to be a burden on the congregation, bad association, or grieving the holy spirit. I commit spiritual suicide. You tell me in during my committee meetings, "we're trying to determine if you have a wicked heart or if you are just weak." I want you to have Jehovah's spirit to direct you to make the right decision to know whether I am weak or I am wicked. You decide I'm wicked. I cry out, "Jehovah, why have you forsaken me." You disfellowship me. You leave me alone, without friends or family, just me and my 6 kids, and tell me to stay away from "worldy ones," if I want to prove I have a good heart and return. The isolation is a feeling that is too hard to describe. "Worldly" people reach out to me, show unconditional love for me, I can't believe this is Satan's doing. These people are rescuing me from my pain!)

    ...good grief, I could turn this into a book!

    Wow, that was therapeutic. Sorry it got so long.


  • ithinkisee
    I can't agree more with what has been posted. You are either leaving Jehovah, or you're condemning your children to death. Or if you lost a child, denying them the opportunity to be resurrected.

    I believe in the world of logic this is called a "False Dilemma". This is where a limited number of options (usually two) is given, while in reality there are more options.

    George W Bush likes to use these - and he uses them very effectively. Often in debates he will pummel the competition by saying something like "You can't have it both ways! It's either XXXXX or XXXXX."

    In reality there is often more than just the two choices GWB offers - but his fundamental religious followers love that rhetoric and swallow it hook-line-and-sinker.


  • kid-A

    They had this notion of "sinning against the holy spirit" which scared the hell out of me as a kid.....it was the one sin for which there was absolutely no chance

    of forgiveness at all.....just the lake of gehenna!!! Not sure I remember now exactly what constituted such a "sin" but I am sure it involved questioning the GB in some way.


  • daystar

    Misguided... wow... right there with you.

  • greendawn

    Espousing non jw ideology is like eating from the table of the demons, and one can't do that eat from jah's table and then from the demonic table. In fact it's the WTS that serves out plenty of demonic teachings.

  • orion

    You are chosing the world over your family......Your killing your kids

    And my mom would say.....don't you want to see your dad and brother in the paradise?....you giving that up.......interesting since my brother died as a baby and as far as I understandhe doesn't have the chance of resurection. AHHHHHH the LOVE

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