"Why do some of you suck so bad....

by SixofNine 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ...at just letting go of things?" I asked myself.

    But then I thought, "Maybe that's why they are out and free; they wouldn't just 'let go' of what was bugging them", and I got a funny warm feeling all over about those people for just a minute.

    I'm sure it will pass

  • zev


    the borg dubs can't let you just "go"

    they make it damn near impossible to do that without ruining your life. so for now i continue to....hang on, till i get it the way i want it, then i walk the f___ away forever.

    -Zev, honourary member, The hurling class
    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • zev

    course i forgot to mention,
    with the anger and resentment i've had building for years....

    i will throw someone under the front wheels of that figurative bus of justice when i do.

    -Zev, honourary member, The hurling class
    The greatest consistancy of the WTBTS is their INconsistancy.

  • think41self

    "Why do some of you suck so bad?"

    As always Six, you manage to titillate and stimulate at the same time, . As for myself, I think I am very good at letting things go. Things that are unimportant or beyond my control. (unimportant of course only in my opinion)

    You make a good point about why some are now out, that they couldn't just "let go" of the contradictions they were being taught, the inhumanity they saw being forced on the "lowly" ones, the interference in peoples personal lives where there was no authority for it to be inserted. So it is good not to let go of those injustices.

    As for how I suck...I've been told I do it rather well, thank you
    (Geez, did I say that? No wonder I'm getting a reputation)


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

  • AGuest II
    AGuest II

    Hello, dear Six... and may you have peace!

    Perhaps it's because some of us... 'suck' fairly badly at quite a few things, being flesh and all. Letting go just may be one of them. It is for me, sometimes. But 'sucking' at something is not necessarily a 'bad' thing, is it? Or the end of the world? I mean, perhaps we absolutely SHINE at others things (okay, 'glimmer' a lil bit...), and 'sucking' at one or two... or many... things, just helps us to keep a balanced perspective of ourselves. So we don't go gettin' to think more of ourselves than is 'necessary'. Know what I mean?

    Whatdya, think?

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ (who personally has no problem 'sucking' at all sorts of things in this life... since I wasn't promised that kind of 'perfection' now anyway...)

  • SixofNine
    whatdya think?

    I think all the risque double entendre in your post is going to embarrass my skillfull friend think41self.

  • AGuest II
    AGuest II

    "Risque double-enten..."??? What the...

    Oh! No! Shoot! Dawg! Dang!

    You misunderstand me, I think (and after review, I guess I kinda made that easy to do, didn't I?): I put some words in quotes beCAUSE of their double-meaning and I wanted folks to know I had no problem USING the word(s), but for the purpose originally intended by you. Sorry, I am a quotation mark 'hound'. Got it bad, too. Tried to stop... went to QMA meetings and everything. Even checked myself into QM-rehab. Nothing worked. I'm 'hooked'... possibly for life. I've just learned that it is one of my 'flaws', my 'style'... and so I just 'take it one day at a time.'

    Can you dig it?


  • COMF
    Sorry, I am a quotation mark 'hound'. Got it bad, too. Tried to stop...

    Gee, Shelby, when I teased JustAMob about mimicking your posting style, you answered back that it was God making y'all do that. Which is it, hon?


  • joelbear

    I lost my entire family and every friend I had in a holocaust called disfellowshipping.

    It it tough to let go of that, but I do keep trying.



  • larc

    My thoughts on anger, etc.

    I left a long time ago and the risidual anger is nil. My purpose in coming here is to get updated on what's going on and giving advice. However, after reading the many stories here I do get feelings of anger and sadness.

    I left for purely intellectual reasons. I could not buy the Armageddon teachings in view of their history of silly ideas.

    The blood issue did not concern be, because all religions and all governments ask you to die for something. The JW choice is peculiar, but no more peculiar than many other organizations.

    Disfellowshipping didn't bother me either. I knew the rules and I knew the consequences. All organizations shun at some point, even General Motors.

    As the saying goes, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime (leaving)."

    Sounds cold? Well maybe, but that way of thinking helped me from becoming an emotional wreck.

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