You know, the ban on smoking (which year was it? around 1970?) caused a lot of problems for a lot of JWs. I was born in 1973, but I know for a fact that my dad smoked in secret until at least 1976-77. My older sisters and brother remember him coming in from "working on the car in the garage", smelling of nicotine. He finally gave it up, but I think that was more due to his illness (he had a brain tumor) than the religion. (LoL, he had a secret porn mag-stash too, what a hypocrite, I think he must have had this idea that whatever he did in private was his own business). But for other witnesses, old men and ladies that had smoked all their lives, it must have been a horrible ordeal to quit (ufortunately I`m a smoker, so I know how hard it is to quit). I know that one old lady in our congregation had been DFed for not quitting, after several warnings. Poor old hag, nothing left to live for than the smokes and the hope of Armageddon and life in the thousand-year-reign, all young again and new fresh lungs to mess up (lol) and then they made her choose. Bastards.