Strictly Genteel - Theocratic Resources/SKK Theocratic Library, a pro-JW site, now contains publications from the Rutherford era, including: The Finished Mystery (1917), Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920), The Harp of God (1921), Deliverance (1926), and Creation (1927). The Russell writings are found on this site as well. Link:
Another resource
by Justin 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks have now added it to my favorites
I found that place earlier this year... only I didn't know they were pro-JW. I asked them if they had any pre-1914 copies of the Studies in the Scriptures. They asked why I wanted pre-1914 and I told them about how the post-1914 books were modified to hide the fact that Russel got the whole 1914 thing wrong. After that I never heard from them again.
Hey check out the copy of the Golden Age on the site:
Never having seen an actual issue of the GA up close, I had no idea there is a nekkid dude on the cover!
What message is this trying to convey? That in the dawn of the millenium, when we are made perfect like Adam, we'll all be nudists and live naked once again?
Yes, the man in the art work is longing to go back to simpler times when Gods walk the earth with men.
I believe he is saluting the rising sun...the dawning of new light...
Merry....Yes, but is he saluting with his hand or his...... ???
...thyrsus, is the word you're looking for I believe, thyrsus.
The WTS doesn't really like the dubs examining pre 1970 literature and especially from the Rutherford era because there is so much tripe in them that can get the dubs thinking about the nature of their org. So I am surprised that this site was put up by them. The FDS can't be pleased about this move.
These are interesting resources. -
Thanks! I'll be making good use of it!